Low hcg success stories forum

Low hcg success stories forum. 9, two days later 67. Jul 1, 2023 · Dealing with low HCG levels after IVF can be a daunting experience for couples who have undergone the emotional rollercoaster of fertility treatments. I am only freaking out because i have lost two pregnancies in Jan 2, 2023 · I’m having low and slow rising hcg as well! 5 weeks (I think) and Thursday (dec 29) was 410, yesterday was 1044. May 4, 2016 at 4:37 PM. (It was my wife’s egg). 7days today my fs tells me he it doesnt look good then says i want to Oct 27, 2016 · My first hcg was 30 at 10 dpo, then 108 at 12dpo, and 280 at 14. Like. I got a positive digital on 4/27, but had my hcg tested early morning 4/29 (13 DPO) and it was only 36. May 26, 2020 · May 26, 2020 at 1:14 PM. I’m hoping implantation just happened late. Got another draw at 13 dpo and it was 63. Pregnancy Week 42. If 2nd failed, then 3rd FET success rate is 90%. The nurse that called me didn’t even want to tell me it was positive because she said it was lower than they like to & usually see. I started taking progesterone pills vaginally, 100mg twice per day. Or anybody else worried? Apr 2, 2024 · Positive update from dropping progesterone. It's our first pregnancy after a loss at 6w. I’ve been getting positives on First Response tests that are getting darker. I had honestly lost all hope because I was measuring 1. They were high where they should be. So went from 107 to 97. HCG was 17. I'm hoping my first try is successful and if not I plan on changing meds somehow. 5, then Friday hCG level was 7. I have had 1 healthy pregnancy almost 3 years ago and in the last year a mmc and chemical. When you lose a pregnancy (chemical or miscarriage) the blood is the first to decrease then followed by the urine. By 11 days after conception, 98 percent of women have detectable hCG levels First hcg test at 4 weeks pregnant was 44, Second hcg 2 days later was 169. Since my last miscarriage I also had low HCG, I’m looking for success stories. 7 four days after that 303. I go for more bloodwork today. My first pregnancy I didn’t worry about any of this, I was blissfully ignorant and had a healthy birth. This seems low to me but my doctor didn’t seem too concerned (???). Have to go mon for 3rd hcg Jun 13, 2017 · Low hCG levels are normal at the start of pregnancy, but should double every 48 to 72 hours for the first seven to eight weeks of pregnancy. 7. I consistently measured 5 days behind, HCG levels were slow rising, had extremely low PAPP-A levels (0. My progesterone levels are quite low (5. Hcg #1 (13dpo) - 50. 1 (took 4. 3 of which were successful. Aug 4, 2020 · Hcg has been slow rising doubling some times in 48 hours and sometimes only 60% in 48 hours. The nurse said they like the numbers to be around 100 by now but since it was so close she is cautiously optimistic. I doubled normally until they stopped measuring HCG. Schedules u/s for the Dec 23, 2022 · looking for any positive success stories with low progesterone in early pregnancy? HCG is rising (4900-7800) in 48 hours - so it should have fully doubled in 72 hours. I’m stressed out but when In emerg last week for spotting they ruled out ectopic and can see a sack but too early to see anything else. bforbaby1. Level was 20 on 04/19/24, 38 on 04/24/24 and 66 on 04/26/2024. #1. Apr 10, 2020 · I’ve googled and googled and I see that a normal level at 5 weeks for hcg is 18-7000 something. March 13, 2024 | by keeks2391. 5 weeks early and they only saw an empty sac. 0. e I had a 5day 4AA blastocyst transfered on September 14th and first beta done 14days post transfer. Anyone have any success stories with similar numbers? . While my hcg is at 1261, my progesterone level Apr 29, 2024 · HCG levels low and slow rising, success stories? a. Average is just average, reality is a bell curve. Mar 24, 2024 · My HCG came back at 34. I am just trying to be positive. My levels are slow to rise and my doctor has now asked me to come in on Thursday for a ultrasound to make sure there is a sak and embryo, and to make sure it's not an ectopic pregnancy. Yesterday on the 28th I had beta 17. The following Monday, 17dpo it was 47. My HCG was 221 on Monday (4 weeks, 3 days) and I got another blood draw today but don’t have results back yet. At the time of your first missed period, your hCG level usually ranges from 5 to 50 mIU/mL, with an average of 21 mIU/mL. Tomorrow I go for a second hcg test to see if it’s doubling but I won’t know until Monday the results! : ( I’m so nervous. The last time I was pregnant both my HCG and Jun 4, 2021 · Low beta FET success stories. The pregnancy line was so faint that I asked for HCG levels test. This is for anyone dealing with hcg progesterone issues. Anyone have low HCG success stories? Or did it end in chemical? Backstory, Wednesday (9 DPO) blood test showed HCG level of 4. Still not very high but much higher than where I started. Mar 24, 2015. 2 days later 60, two days later 92. That was only a 56% increase over 48 hours and a Jul 24, 2023 · Beta #2, 13dp5dt (4w4d), 60. i hope your appointment goes well today! According to your LMP you're "6 weeks pregnant" but since you obviously didn't ovulate on CD 14 that date is essentially useless for dating purposes. My first beta was 98 at 10dp5dt. Suppositories and injections can definately help. Oct 29, 2022 · IVF pregnancy, currently 6w5d. 6 is incredibly low. Aug 7, 2014 · I did a lot of research on low progesterone wen my levels were low and I did come across success stories with dismal low progesterone levels. Doc said that he needed a third blood draw today to know what was going on for sure and that occasionally it takes a few days for the hcg to really start Jan 27, 2023 · Hey guys. i had my first beta drawn on the 9th at 5pm & it was 89. Nov 3, 2017 · Sometimes low hCG levels can indicate that you have had or will have a miscarriage. e. I'm in my tww now. Feb 13, 2019 · wsv. After the first hcg reading of 29 (with bleeding and some back pain), May 2, 2020 · Ok, thank you so much!! I just keep seeing people post tests that are blazing by day 16. I've read that they're supposed to double ideally in 48 hours but within 72 hours is still normal. 5% increase over 48 hours. My Doctor basically told me that 10% of Pregnancy's have slow rising HCG. My initial hcg bloods during my last pregnancy were higher than this, and my doctor thought they were too low to result in a viable pregnancy- and he was right :( So I’m extra nervous this time and looking for signs things will be ok After no fetus was located on ultrasound, the doctor I met with let me know with the low and decreasing HCG that I likely had a blighted ovum, to prepare for miscarriage and basically wiped her hands clean of me. August 16, 2020 | by jac0821. At 10dp5dt my beta was 29. My third showed more than doubling at 691. 1 prog 9. I had a new blood test today and a sonogram scheduled for tomorrow. FX for you that you are in that 15%. I was 13DPO. 5 . My next ultrasound will be at 7 weeks 2 days. Lower than "Average" for each test but well within the range. After about three years, though, I saw diminishing returns. 7 Progesterone 19. I got what I call my period and on cycle day three: on the 23rd I had beta 6. This is my rainbow baby. Please share : ( I need a light at the end of the tunnel. Ur cycle is long so maybe ur levels are just taking a while to pick up. Praying for a miracle but it’s hard not to constantly worry. Ultrasound on Nov 19th- We see the Sac, baby, and yolk sac. Two days later it was 8. I will go for next blood test on Wednesday. Posted 11-23-18. I’m just really anxious and have to wait until Jul 18, 2017 · 19/07/2017 at 6:33 pm. Long story short, I am 8 weeks pregnant. I am 5 weeks 1 day pregnant. I know both are super low, I’m about 6 weeks based on my ovulation date. I had several more blood draws and my doubling time was always closer to 3-4days. It did go up 116% this time in 48 hrs. We had three day 5 blasts at the end of my first cycle. So I just had my first beta blood test today at 12dp5dt and my HCG was only 40. I was 5w5d for the first Nov 23, 2013 · On Tue 21 Jan, my betas were very low at 14 and by Fri 24 Jan, they'd only risen to 27. At 13dp5dt my number was 72. 5. 4 days later I went for more blood work and my HCG went back up a bit! I went back for blood work again yesterday and it's up even Mar 21, 2016 · Hi, I am around 4 weeks and 3 days. And it's not like my numbers were super low. My HCG was 5347. Anyone have any success stories with similar numbers? Hcg #1 (13dpo) - 50. She said my HCG levels are very low at 54. May 2, 2016 · My 4th IUI I ended up having a BFP with a 26 HCG level and it continued to rise but ended up having extreme pain in left side and found it was ectopic. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . Hi ladies. Hi ladies! I did my 2nd IUI this month and I got a bfp at 11dpo. I only have 1 passed PGT-A. 41 and fsh 12. she just wants to do repeat levels, which is what i also Feb 6, 2019 · Doubling faster than 72 hours is observed in 85% of normal pregnancies. Nov 28, 2018 · 1st HCG-26 (OCt 26th) 2nd HCG- 271 (Nov 7th) 3rd HCG- 345 (Nov 9th) *Ultrasound on Nov 14 ( still can’t see a sac, suspecting it may be eptopic) 4th HCG-1071 Nov 14. 4 and it continued to rise from there. Feb 25, 2022 at 3:29 PM. June 2010: One Day Work Up @ CCRM (Denver, CO) June 2010: Predicted Low Responder (Low AFC and AMH). HCG #2 (15dpo) - 117 (48 hours) HCG #3 (19dpo) - 483 (89 hours) Waiting for HCG#4 at 21dpo - 48 hours since draw #3. I did call the clinic and they said the numbers were “within range” but they seem so low. . 1st - 40. I have not had any major cramping or spotting at all. My HCG was only 13. 6-6. 1 prog 10. So not even 48 and not even 3 days/ 72 hrs. I am terrified it is another ectopic. My HCG at 5 weeks was 1450 and it only went up to 1670 2 days later. I was alarmed because I thought that was low, but I kept reading how if it doubles then you’re fine. Thankfully no ectopic but had a few 15 hours ago · 4w4d: 251. On 8/1 I underwent a day 6 PGS normal frozen embryo transfer. However I went back today for another US and we saw a yolk sac and fetal pole. But my gestational sac is measuring 6 weeks (11. I go back on Monday for blood work but I’m starting to think this is a Chemical. My second miscarriage My HCG started very low and did not double. I didn’t get positives until 6 or for sure 7 days after transfer. , 5–299 mIU/ml) of serum hCG levels in all pregnant women after frozen blastocyst transfer during the same period. We transferred one fresh embryo, which resulted in my daughter. says in my age group, 1st FET success rate is 70%, if 1st failed, then 2nd FET success rate is 80%. Saturday HCG was at 9. 36) and eventually it was determined I had IUGR. Any body with Similar beta that can share a success story. I am concerned because with my son at DPO 18 hcg was 2100. They're having me go back in tomorrow to check again. Going in on Friday to take my beta HCG again because it was low at 6 weeks 0 days only 2308. They said baby (7. According to the chart from the clinic, I should be 32,000+ at this point. . I've had 3 unsuccessful pregnancies, all with low and/or slow hcg, including one where i had a hb at 8 weeks but miscarried at 9. Aug 19, 2017 · When the egg implants the hcg in the blood is the first to rise then followed by the urine. 7 (more than doubled in 48 hours) 2/12 Started Crinone 8% due to history of low progesterone with last 2 pg's and 1st pg ended in m/c reason unknown 2/18 19 DPO HCG=855. I was hoping you could tell me of anyone has had success with low and slow HCG levels? I am just so nervous. Nov 5, 2023 · You have plenty of embryos. And really they were only dark and immediate day 8. Feb 6, 2019 at 3:29 PM. Oct 16, 2013 · Hi Anna: just wanted to tell you my story so far cause I'm kind of in that limbo stage too! My first hcg was only 50, then 2 days later 124, then about a week it was only at 787 (should have been closer to 980 if it was doubling) then a week later only 3400. At 6w2d 6991, had an ultrasound which showed an intrauterine pregnancy measuring 5. 9. Has anyone else had betas that started this low that resulted Jun 10, 2022 · Anyone here have a success story of successful pregnancy with low progesterone?? Had 5 miscarriages total and 1 child. Apr 29, 2024 at 12:26 PM. I am 5 weeks today. Negative results on am of 6dt. I had my beta today (10 days post transfer) and was told my HCG was only 14 :( does anyone have a success story of levels being this low and ending up with a healthy pregnancy? They did, however, have my progesterone results from Friday and they were low at 7. The doctor's office wanted me in on 4/2 and when they took blood I recieved a call on 4/3 saying that my Jun 3, 2021 · HCG 8/2: (48 hours later): 1250 approx (Dr said all looks great!) HCG 8/7 (5 days later): 2150 approx (Dr said very concerned. A week later my progesterone level was 17. I just tested after my first IVF fresh transfer and my beta was at 35. 68 Comments. 3 days later did one more 479. I don't know what that means and I'm panicking that it means I'm going to miscarry. May 2, 2020 · They are 10-16 DPO. 8. Hope everything works out! Aug 7, 2018 · Pregnancy Week 40. Dec 4, 2023 · with my baby in 2021 I had slow rising hcg. Did another one on 6/30 and it was 7. I got my first beta today at 16dpo and it was 86. In fact, there are numerous success stories of couples who have faced this setback and still achieved their dreams of Sep 18, 2015 · Pregnancy Week 40. I am 10dp5dt. Aug 27, 2017 · Thank you! That's what I heard too. I seriously went to tears when I just read your posts. Most likely ectopic although too Early to see anything. The difference between the crown rump length and mean gestational sac diameter are about 4. 76Second beta 9032. Pic includes my pregnancy tests from the last few days. I’m so worried. 7Got put on 200mg progesterone tablets and then 50ml progesterone injectionsAt 6weeks 3 days reading Apr 1, 2021 · I also transferred two normal tested embryos on 3/16! My numbers were slow to rise on the first two draws from 199 to 287. i had my second on the 11th at 8am & it was 112. The second draw my doctor seemed optimistic and said they look for 30-50% increase, but the last draw she doesn’t seem as optimistic. 7, which the nurse at my RE's office said was low. HCG #2 (15dpo) - 117 (48 hours) HCG #3 (19dpo) - 483 (89 hours) Mar 15, 2024 · Does anyone have any success stories of having very low HCG levels in the beginning? I go for a redraw tomorrow. 2 mm) and heartbeat (134 bpm) are measuring right on track. followed up 41 hours (21dpt) later and Beta was 3418. Reply . Oldest First. She was a blastocyst at 5dt. They stopped doing blood tests after that because the numbers were clearly increasing. Because 22. I was so scared. I (31 at time of treatment initiation) had a similar insanely good experience in the first several years of HCG monotherapy. First beta/hcg level - 250 & 588 after 48 hrs. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is produced by cells in the placenta during pregnancy. I go back Monday and will be doing betas until my first ultrasound next Friday to make sure my numbers get past 2,000 for the ultrasound. I havent had any spotting. pololm15. Schoolcraft of Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine. My LMP was 3/3/09 and got my first positive test on 4/1/09. 5 weeks Feb 22, 2010 · March/April 2010: PGD /IVF success odds very low20% estimated "normal embryos" per cycle and a 41% pg rate. autogenerated-9b4f2495. My last miscarriage was in November and my hcg was great. I'm still showing positive on pink dye pregnancy tests but it's not got any darker, even a week later, so I'm really hoping for some lovely success stories to Sep 28, 2016 · low hcg numbers hoping for a miracle or 2 any success stories - posted in PG after IVF: Hi ladies am a little numb at the moment just came from my clinic appt after getting 3 faint bfp on 3 hpts 13dp5dt and 14dp5dt and my beta hcgs 13dp5dt hcg85 the 15dp5dt hcg 162 then 19dp5dt hcg 458 my doubling time has been 2. She said I'm only just 4 weeks and usually they range from 20-900 so I'm on the low end. My hcg is rising well. I do know I ovulated a couple days late, either day 16 or 17. 38 - told good increase, still low and that doc had seen success with as low as 6 before Beta #3, 15dp5dt (4w6d), 229. 1st HCG 7dpt was 29. They said there could be hope but everything I’ve googled is making me think this is it Aug 29, 2019 · Would love to hear success stories with low HCG at first draw. I have been taking pregnancy tests at home for the last 3 days hoping the line will get darker, but it’s not. Here are my labs: 2/7 9 DPO HCG=94. All that matters is seeing if it rises appropriately in 48-72 hours. We scheduled a day 3 transfer of the two best quality embryos and Mar 24, 2015 · 0. However, it's important to remember that low HCG levels do not necessarily mean the end of the road for your IVF journey. I had bloodwork done at 8 weeks 1 day and my HCG came back as 6592. My levels are doubling every 48 hours, but they just seem low. Not at all. My OB won’t see me until I’m 6 weeks, so my primary doctor (who I also went Oct 23, 2021 · Hi guys!I’m in quite a weird place right now. 9 but I lost it a few days later. Apr 12, 2024 · Low Beta HCG - Success Story X2!!!! To those worrying that your beta HCG numbers aren't even CLOSE to some of the people posting on here I have had TWO healthy pregnancies now where my beta HCG numbers were on the lowest end of the range with nothing wrong! Last time 4w2d - 84. Jun 3, 2021 · I had a very similar situation. I am super nervous for our second ultrasound on Friday. The good news is that ur levels have doubled! Whens the scan?? All the best. I have my levels checked twice a week due to my age and a previous miscarriage. First beta 4751. Posted 11-28-12. 75). 8 mm). Sep 22, 2021 · My experiences of slow/low hcg have not ended positively. Yesterday, at 5w, I got my blood taken. Went for option of more bloods in 48 hours to see if egg will dissolve by itself or whether will need the methotrexate injection x [emoji22] Aug 25, 2015 · As soon as the reports came on mail, husband checked them & said the hcg levels show 2-3 weeks pregnant. I've been doing a lot of Googling (naturally) and it seems like those are out of the normal range – I've Nov 28, 2012 · Low Progesterone Success Stories. I now have a healthy, beautiful, perfect 8 month old! Mar 13, 2024 · So a “low” beta can actually be quite normal for someone else as would a “higher” beta would be. My Dr. Admitted to emergency hospital same day with severe cramps, laparoscopy done for suspected ectopic. My first beta at 11 or 12 days after a 5 day transfer was 119, about where you were at 12 days. Yes we were happy & excited but cautiously optimistic till we met our doctor, who assured us that the numbers looked good. So now I just got off the phone with them and my hcg was at 80 (pretty low) from yesterday and progesterone dropped down to 3. I just learned that the second beta on 12dp5dt came back as 132. I have a history of miscarriage with only 1 May 3, 2024 · Low HCG and progesterone levels - terrified! May 06, 2024 | by ldg919. I had an ultrasound yesterday (should be around 5w5d) and a gestational sac and yolk sac were seen. 5th HCG- 1781 Nov 16th. I'm just very annoyed cause when I got my hcg tested, the second and third times were at 44 hours and 47 hours. My first hcg level 11 days post transfer was 33. I really want to believe this is the one. Baby is measuring right on track, heartbeat of 140, but the gestational sac is measuring over We retrieved 15 eggs (not bad for a 34 year old), but Nathan’s sample was without sperm. May 2, 2016 · jamiegrim. Totally 8788 patients with serum β-hCG >25mIU/mL 14 days after frozen blastocyst transfer were screened and 312(3. clinic was happy and said no further testing needed. Baby measured exactly 7w at 7w ultrasound. Considering I am 35+ already, we decided to transfer this embryo ASAP. I am 6w 5d based off lmp. 1days to 2. Galliana. Jun 28, 2023 · Need success stories. Oct 26, 2016 · This is so relieving for me to read. We transferred one frozen and untested embryo on June 7, and the first beta on 10dp5dt was 91. Is there any hope? I feel absolutely good and hopeful, but my doctor seems to want to stop medications. Success story here! And I remember searching the boards for any when I first found out my beta. Now 8. kkppbbpp. I haven't seen the doc yet, just received a call from the nurse with my blood test results. Her size at first ultrasound was 4-6 days behind. 9 😫 I feel hopeless. Please share any positive stories you might have. I am a bit restless thinking that this count is low. Anyone have any positive words to send my way? I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. Even with an elevated dose (as high at 3000 IU TIW First hcg was at 57:2 then two days later hcg was 43. I have been worried sick (made worse by the fact I have had recurrent miscarriages the last two years). 5w4d: 2061. HCG came back at 52 and 36hours later 2nd beta came in at 72. My HCG my last pregnancy was 51. My levels look like this so far: 16DP IUI: 61 18DP IUI: 84 (not a good rise!) 20DP IUI: 166 (barely doubled) I am so nervous. G. 4w4d - 243. Mar 6, 2022 · Low HCG success stories. That's a rise of 45% in 48 hours, or a doubling time of just under 90 hours. Then they brought me in at 5 weeks 5days for the first ultrasound where we saw the sac. They did a scan and were able to see a sac but too early to see anything else. But definitely hold off until you see your OB, they’ll be much more knowledgeable in that regard than the ER would be. The heavy bleeding with clots lasted about 2 days, but I had a week total of bleeding. No ultrasound yet which pisses me off the way my doctor is handling this pregnancy especially given my loss history. I really can use them. Scared the crap out of me. Just got back my bloodwork results and HCG is at 1,048 and Progesterone at 3. Stopped there as it was rising fine, had an ultrasound when I was 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant as I have had previous miscarriages. 4 at 4 weeks. Hi, I just had my 4th embryo transfer. Pushed for an additional test and was offered an early U/S Sep 4, 2020 · Pregnancy Week 41. My progesterone was a VERY low level of 5 upon initial testing. Started bleeding Aug 24, turned heavy with clots on Aug 26. Did an hCG beta test Monday (6/28) and it was less than 1 so negative. 9dpt was 125. On 3/4 (18 DPO) it was 154. 6 2/9 11 DPO HCG=210. megz8307. Feb 25, 2022 · Low HCG 16dpo - success stories. They couldn’t have been come back for a follow up test until Monday 5/ Aug 6, 2018 · oh my hcg was slow rising too. I took my first hcg today which came 102. Nothing showed up but a sac and it measured 5 weeks and 1 day so pushed me back a week. All the studies I’ve read Apr 29, 2024 · HCG levels low and slow rising, success stories? a. LookingEast. Has anyone had low or slow rising hcg and had a successful pregnancy in the past?My beta from 14dpo was 33. Pre-HCG test was around 200 for several years, then jumped to between 600-900 after taking HCG of 750 IU TIW. Aug 14, 2022 · low and slow rising hcg. Last June I had a miscarriage and I’m pregnant again and terrified. Feb 2, 2022 at 5:08 PM. So my doubling time is 55-56 hours, not 48, each time with around 82. Anyone have a successful birth with numbers this low? My biggest concern honestly is risk for ectopic. My one successful pregnancy had fast rising hcg so its always been a good indicator for me. Felt strange 19dpt and Beta was 3006. I also feel a bit nervous that the colour didn’t change tons between On 3/1 (15 DPO) hcg was 48. This seems to be so slowly rising. I had a blood draw done at 13DPO at it was 27. 153rd beta 13321 progesterone 16. She’d caught up by 10 weeks. Aug 14, 2022 at 2:31 PM. Any support and success stories would really help. They did blood work and I was 935 on 7/29 and 1118 on 8/1. success stories? k. My doctor called in a supplement of progesterone for me so I started that last night. Waiting for a call back from my doctor, I don’t know what she’s going to recommend. Two days later they did another HCG and it came back at 8217, about 40 hours after the first. ) Since I didn't wanted to believe it and convinced myself it's just a shadow I repeated the test in the morning and got 3 faint lines and a positive digital. Dec 2, 2017 · Does anyone have any slow riding/low hcg miracle stories? I had a 3 day Ivf transfer done on Monday November 13th. If the pregnancy fails to develop a placenta, then the levels may be normal initially but fail to rise. Really hoping for some good outcome stories of women who had very slow rising hcg but continued on having a healthy pregnancy. 5 weeks old. Since then, I've taken several tests and gotten more BFPs, but also 2 BFNs. Jun 24, 2013. Nov 22, 2011 · I have very low hcg and they are slow rising. Today (7/01) the line got slightly darker than the others. Today we went in and i am at 993 (i am 5+1). Doc did not sound optimistic however. 6. 5%) of them with low serum β-hCG levels (i. I had part of my tube removed. Doc put me on vaginal supplement Feb 15, 2023 · I got my first bfp on midnight for valentines day after doing it out of joke. Also the fetal pole was measuring 2mm, too early for a heartbeat. (This was the first month I didn't feel pregnant and I stopped testing obsessively. My pregnancy was very stressful. I also am pregnant for the first time and this is miracle baby. They're still really faint (I'm 14DPO today). I was 3w6d yesterday. Jun 28, 2023 · This is my rainbow baby. Jan 12, 2014 · Pregnancy Week 41. 4 days to double) Because my levels were slow rising but not doubling from 2/11 to 2/18, dr Apr 12, 2020 · Pregnancy Week 40. Nov 12, 2020 · Low serum hCG levels were defined as the lowest 5 percentile (i. I tested negative at the ER with a urine test so asked for a blood draw since I'd already had a couple of positive tests. my hcg came back at 125. and like I said didn't even reach the 72 hour mark. Aug 28, 2019 · Had a trans-vaginal ultrasound and there was a gestational sac in the uterus, measuring at 5w 2d. Its job is to nurture and feed the embryo that is Jul 7, 2017 · Love hearing these success stories. 15DPO and it was 43. My HCG levels were: 9DPT 3212DPT 8314 DPT 282 I’m waiting for my first scan and am very nervous. Still having cramping, bloating feeling, menses was to start yesterday and todays I saw some pink tint on tissue. 6 - told clinic was happy. m. Very very low for "6 weeks" but I was really only 4. Apr 30, 2018 · Levels can vary from person to person. Nov 23, 2018 · HCG Not Doubling - Success Stories? l. Aug 29, 2019 · I had my first HCG draw yesterday and it was 35. The day was truly dramatic :). May 2010: Consult with Dr. My first miscarriage my HCG was rising normally (4 weeks 2 days 121 HCG, 4 weeks 6 days 521 HCG) but ended up being a Blited Ovium. 73IU/I at 3 weeks 6 days. After thawing the two vials of frozen sperm and a 6 hour search for sperm by the amazing Boston IVF embryologists, they found enough to fertilize 11 of them. Could this Aug 19, 2017 · My HCG wasn't doubling every 3 days like it should in the early days: 4w1d 142 4w3d 248 4w6d 289 (after this was told to expect to miscarry due to slow increase) 5w2d 547 Kept having blood tests and ultrasounds and eventually it started rising faster. I'm 32 with amh of . But that means in 15% of normal pregnancies, hcg will be lower and slower. Then 2 days later I had bright red blood WITH cramping! Not a lot of blood though but enough to scare me. Pregnancy Week 41. Aug 26 Hcg 29Aug 28 Hcg 44 (would be 6 weeks from LMP)Sept 3 Hcg 85 (almost 7 weeks). Mar 16, 2011 · Hello ladies. Report as Inappropriate Pregnancy Week 40. I just had my first IUI with 100 mg of Clomid and HCG 10,000 trigger shot. doc also told me it was low and I should just check for bleeding etc. wasn’t quite a full 48 hours. Oct 13, 2020 · In the last 9 months, I have had 2 miscarriages. Should be in the region of 5000+ at this point. I was in shock. I had my first beta yesterday at 9dp5dt. my doctor doesn’t seem concerned that they haven’t doubled. And today (5 days after the last one) my HGC was only at 14404. Progesterone was 9. Common Jan 19, 2021 · Hello! I’m 6 weeks 5 days, after a 5 day FET. So you had a negative blood test and your urine hasn't 'caught up' to What your body is doing. This was on a Saturday around May 17, 2020 · We did 5 IUIs before moving on to IVF. We started at 95 10dp5 day transfer. No bleeding or cramping whatsoever and I do have the same pregnancy symptoms I had with my first successful pregnancy. I know in theory that if its doubling it should be good. On the 24th I had beta 7. Any positive stories would be so appreciated right now! Mar 11, 2024 · Hi!So this is my 2nd pregnancy and I got hcg blood work done last Monday at what I thought was my 4 week mark and it was 30. Jan 22, 2015 · Hey I got my bfp at 11 dpo and had blood drawn that day. 6 and today 200. They numbers are going up though which I know is good. I also had low hcg levels in my first check. No yolk or fetal pole detected. I am looking for success stories for positive reassurance. Feb 18, 2016 at 6:08 AM. I for my second draw tomorrow. Obviously mine is soooo low but it’s within the normal range. 6mm. Superbly faint positive on pm of 6dp5dt and next morning. ls yu ob eu xc nt aa os qn ld