6th cusp sub lord Feb 18, 2020 · Further explaining the above, if there is a strong connection established between the 5th Cusp Sub Lord and 2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th House, a career in the film industry can be indicated. If he is a significator to 2nd and 11th houses, one’s marriage is promised. For instance, the cuspal sub lord of the 7th house will have a say in matters concerning relationships, marriage, and partnerships. Table of Contents: 1. Prof. When the dhasa changes and if the dhasa lord is a significator to 7th and 2nd & 10th one starts a business for his earnings. This infant was diagnosed with severe diabetes and is still hospitalised. If the sub lord of the 6th cusp is in the star of the occupant or owner of the 6th or 1st, the native may suffer from disease. Chiron conjoins the North True Lunar Node near the cusp of the 8th. If it signifies 5 or 4 or 12 strongly then opponent … Read more For promotion take the sub lord of the 6th and the 10th cusp sub and analyse their significations. If the sub lord of the 9th cusp was in the constellation of a retrograde planet, the party is unavailable and cancelled. By examining the placement and aspect of the 6th house lord, you can better navigate personal and professional domains, leading to more fulfilling everyday experiences. ôÿ f „ @ßûðˆÊÞ Sf@õ¤Õî! : cÜÐ ¿þüûËÀØ Ëv\Ï÷Ÿ¬ÿ_·7«Sr” Ê‚ Ò9 Éj—‡_îòôœv÷»ÏåÈ èª ‰–D &ân¶ ÚoîdûU The sub lord of the 6th cusp should signify 6th, 2nd or 10th house. 10th Cusp Sub lord is Jupiter signifies 11, 1,4, 2,3,5,6, 7, 10 Also must verify the 7th cusp sub lord & sub lord of star & sub must not be retro. Star (Nakshatra) Table. 5th house is detriment to 6th house which is the house of sickness. Karaka of luxury a self strength VENUS who is also either SSL or Sub Lord of Ascendant, 2nd cusp,3rd cusp , 4th cusp ,5th cusp , 6th cusp ,7th cusp ,8th cusp ,9th cusp,10th cusp ,11th cusp and 12th Next, find out the houses related to this main house, their cuspal sub lords and the star lords of these cuspal sub lord. Accordingly, if 6th house cusp sub lord (CSL) signifies 2nd, 6th, 10th or 11th house, it would mean that the native will always be on job. Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in Mar 3, 2011 · Hence one is to note what each planet can contribute always consider its "sub lord". If the sub lord of 3 rd cusp is itself retrograde, and the lord of constellation is direct, it matured later. If the 8th cusp sub lord signifies 6th and 11th, one receives cheques and lender looses. Thus, Rule number 3, 4, and 5 are simultaneously satisfied. Venus Antara was prevailing when she was Nov 29, 2024 · Your 7th cusp (marriage) sub lord is Jupiter in 4th house (static position). Rahu conjoined learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology. If Saturn rules constellation or sub of 7th cusp, duration will be very short and will end with dissatisfaction and silence. KSK Centenary Celebrations Year -2008Prof. The 7th cusp sub lord is the planet to indicate the time of marriage in his dhasa periods. The planet transiting a house is now a source of an event, Star-Lord, Sub-Lord, Sub-Sub-Lord and the Sign-Lord will decide the course of events indicated by the House. P is, the houses 3rd and 10th and the Bhadhakasthanas reckoned in terms of moveable 11th house, fixed 9th house and 7th for common sign gives long life. 3333 = 1 degree 53 minutes 20 seconds If the lagna cusp sub lord is fully connected to Saturn or Mars or Venus and if the sub lords of V & XI are connected to either of the above 3 planets, one will become a debauch, and try to be an incest. The ascendant sub lord indicates the general condition of ones head and also his health A connection between the 8th cusp sub lord and the 6th and 12th houses suggests surgery, especially if Mars, representing surgery, is involved. Mar 5, 2024 · The Asc-ruler of this lunar return is Mercury, which lies in the 6th and conjoins the 6th cusp. If the sub lord of 7th cusp is a significator to the 11th house and sits in the 6th bhava, one should not think that the native is getting married. If you are a female, we can say that there would be a problem of irregular menses otherwise we can say there would a problem in throat because of smoking. 5th, 9th or 12th, one will not be reappointed in that same post or in the office. Significance of the Sub Lord in Astrology:The sub lord is an extension of the K. Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in Further it is divided into 27 equal parts of 13 degree 20 minutes each, known as Nakshatra or Star. KP Rule of Star Lord vs. Span of a Sub Lord Saturn = (19 / 120) X 800 = 126. An extremely useful booklet for KP students and astrologers. The article Sublord of 6th Cusp Placement and Results appeared first on Astrogle. Suppose your 6th cusp sub lord Mercury is signifying 8th house which is in Taurus. The 6th cusp’s sub lord discloses disease type via its birth or horary chart placement, viewed through the sign and star lords. Span of a Sub Lord Mercury = (17 / 120) X 800 = 113. If that sub lord happens to be the Mars –the disease will be acute, If it happens to be Mercury it denotes complications. Child birth occurs during the conjoined period of 2,5 and 11 . In this particular horoscope, attention is drawn to the 6th house cusp, where Jupiter is the sub-lord and Saturn is the star lord. In Vedic Astrology, the house and the lords give results whereas in KP the cusp house, its star lord, and sub lord give results. If the 6th cusp sub lord is either Moon or Mars and connected to 4,6,12 and also watery sign, there will be the disease of Blood Cancer. Sub lord is Rahu Rahu – Ve – Ju Rahu is posited at 5th house. 6. Key points include: if the 7th cusp sub-lord signifies the 2nd, 7th, and 11th houses and is connected to Venus, marriage is promised; if it signifies the 1st, 6th, or 10th houses marriage may not occur; significations of the 5th, 8th 6. x The Question to be Answered is the Marriage of the Native. If the lagna lord becomes the 6th lord also and signifies the 9th house or sits in the 9th house with full strength, one may not stick to one single office and service 3. Krishnamurti makes a serious departure from traditional Vedic astrology in some aspects. For cure, consider the 1st, 5th, and 11th: 1st - health, 5th is 12th to the 6th - or absence of sickness, 11th is 12th to 12 - or absence of bedridden sickness. Venus is the 10th cusp sub-lord and its script includes Rahu. Pilgrimage : houses 3, 9 and 10 sub lord of 10th cusp. Analysis. Sub-Lord Theory. Step 5. Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in Dec 12, 1997 · To know the sickness, generally a native gets, is to be seen from 6th house. The 11th cusp lord will revel fulfillment of desires. The 8th cusp sub lord is Jupiter which is own star and sub and is placed in 8th cusp. So 2, 3, 5 ,7 . KP Astrology. ôÿ f „ @ê{xDe3àrÒÚC@u&Ƹ¡?~ýù÷× ƒë ¦e;®çûÏ÷ ýwùù: Sb Ùñƒ„ÄÆé [^—Àön)ÃÈÖ±#bK^Iymêÿûýìûÿóóµ/óèéÛ y Ø ³PQ1‚ HPïÃU@ J ¢©Âךû~©ÿ}ý¢šIß®K‰@²Ó®èÈK–Íy±ß6˜ñiº›ål’ÙV€«L«z}ј=$5¡q @\š#-p „ˆKDˆ¤2™S Š¨ F &©ÌTµ÷ÿï«– ‚cèÜæ¢NÒ :å¢ñéÝå ^ñ €` ,ÀP€¢ ` ’zñã# AŠ I read that if the planet representing the sub lord of the 7th house cusp isn't connected to the 7th house then marriage doesn't occur. The cusp and the sub lord of that cusp is the deciding factor (SUB LORD). Dec 3, 2021 · learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology. The main house If the sub lord of the 8th cusp signifies 5th 6th, 8th and 12th, the native will be borrowing from A to Z, If the same sub lord becomes the significator to 2nd, 10th, and 11th the native gets adequate income and repays the loan. ) Ref. The 8th cusp sub lord’s signification can hint at a person’s tendency to take or repay loans. Besides Mercury is the significater of 8 and 10 also ,both being unfavorable. 24. Rahu's nakshtra lord is mercury. The 5th cusp sub lord will reveal whether one will get love marriage or arranged marriage. If deposited at 3rd or 1st, he will have just satisfactory conditions prevail. Here the cusp starts at 0 and ends at 30 degrees. It means, the 6th house signified with negative house of 6, 8 and positive houses of 2, 5. Dalmiya was destined to win the elections. Nature of death: sub lord of the 8th cusp and its connection to other houses through star and elements to be considered (4 elements fiery, earthy, airy and watery). Here 6th cusp sub lord is Rahu and Rahu is in 2nd house Leo (a fiery sign). Moon is signifying 8, 3 and 5 Examine the 5th cusp. In exchange business, if the sub lord of the 5tha cusp signifies 6 and 11 you gain and if 5 and 12 you stand to loose. ôÿ f „ @ßûðˆÊÞ Sg椵‡€êLŒqC üúóï¯ ×?LËv\Ï÷ÿå»üÿq˜Œv «ÛV(É’Œ 2"á{š4 é›Ð,Ö–jË*,U)U% âÖZ Ìßè;ŸdÞß/¿ïöç+Ë Rule: To win in any competition, elections or court case the most quoted rule is to check 6th cusp sub lord. In the worst sub lord of the star must not be retro. 6666 = 2 degree 6 minutes 40 seconds. Rahu agent for Sun 4 (P) owns 6th house. Lord of Sagittarius (Dhanu) and Pisces (Meen) zodiac signs is Jupiter or Guru or Brihaspati. It should connect to 2 or 6 or 10 KP Rule: 6th or 10th Cuspal sub lord should be significator for 2 or 6 or 10 Also must verify 10th cusp sub lord & sub lord of star & sub must not be retro. Wiki Help. It it good. Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in various sub lords 1st cusp 1. If the sub lord of 12th cusp is in 6, the house of disease, and if the sub lord is in the constellation of the planet occupying or owning 6 or 8 or 12 it is definite that one will have the defect from the time when the significators conjointly operate. Again, each star is divided into 9 divisions, known as "Sub". 6th house signifies required positive houses of 6, 2,11. 5. Then the seventh house will lie exactly at 16 degree Leo (180 degree apart). The sub lord of the 6th cusp is in the 12th from Lagna and becomes a strong significator of 6th , the native will definitely suffer from an incurable disease. If the 4th cusp sub lord is signifying the 8th or 12th, causes breaks in education, or change of institutions every year, or no education to the native. If the lagna lord becomes the 6th lord also and signifies the 9th house or sits in the 9th house with full strength, one may not stick to one single office and service A 6th cusp’s sub lord signifying 1, 6, and 11 promises litigation success. If venus rules constellation or sub of 7th cusp, both will have extreme pleasure. Nov 27, 2021 · Learn kp astrology - 19, 6th house | 6th cusp sub lord | How to get Bank Loan through horoscope | कुंडली से बैंक लोन कैसे प्राप्त करें Jan 13, 2009 · Span of a Sub Lord Rahu = (18 / 120) X 800 = 120 = 2 degree 0 minutes 0 seconds. May 7, 2023 · If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. 7. Analysis Based on the 7th cusp’s sub lord’s constellation, a partner may reside in the same house, village, town, friend’s family, or even be from abroad. The lord or ruler of a house is the ruler of the sign where the cusp of the house falls. It involves dividing Ascendant star lord; Moon sign; Moon star; Day lord; Check 1st cusp script…note the planets. of tenth bhava. KP Astrologer May 5, 2023 · For one to earn money by self exertion, the sub lord of the 10th should be significator to the 2nd (the house of self acquisition) and the 6th (indicates service matters) and the 10th which indicates ones profession If the 10th cusp sub is a significator to the 7th house and 2nd he or she becomes a trader or business … Rule: To win in any competition, elections or court case the most quoted rule is to check 6th cusp sub lord. This sub lord plays a critical role in influencing the affairs of that particular house. Keep in mind Career and 1st house cusp sub lord is Rahu and Rahu’s negative impact on personality has weakened his career graph. It's SUB Lord : Sun + 11P-9Ep SUB's STAR Lord : Jup 1p-4. KSK Centenary Celebrations Year -2008 CUSPAL SUBLORD IS THE KING • Main house Cuspal SUBLORD if signify the main or auxiliary houses then the matter will fructify in the Dasa Bhuki and antara of the significators of these cusps • e. For example – If Saturn is the 1st house cusp sub lord, and involving sub 1 6 8 Jun 2, 2011 · 1. (Horary Astrology 87) 23. In KP astrology, the sub-lord holds a key position in determining the outcome of a specific event or aspect of a person’s life. Rahu is in the star of Venus in 7th house (capricorn – an earthy sign) conjoined with Jupiter (expansion) and sub of Jupiter in Mars in 6th house. Financial Aspects: This house sheds light on borrowing tendencies. 2, 1966, Sagar Publications, p 314. … Read more If he is a significator to 2nd and 11th houses, ones marriage is promised. Check the sub lord of the 1st and 6th cusp; The star lord of the 1st and 6th cusp; The sign where star Feb 7, 2020 · Rahu falls in pisces sign @25 degree 29 mins and in revati nakshtra ruled by mercury and in sub division of rahu. For dual type of earnings, the 5th cusp sub lord when connected to the 6th and 7th house and the 2nd & 10th houses, one does service for certain period during the dhasa and bhukthi of the 6th house. Apr 19, 2020 · Good News! • If 6th cusp sub is in direct starlord and is signifying 6th then the person is suffering from the Corona Virus. Lord of Cancer (Kark) zodiac sign is Moon or Chandra. if signifies 1,5,9,10 alongwith 3 & 8 promised… In the context of minor illnesses as per the case study mentioned, it’s noted that when the 6th house cusp becomes active during the ongoing dasha, individuals may experience health issues. As moon is also significator fo 12, Sun in the constellation of moon, give break and ended his studies. The 7th cusp denotes an astrologer’s predction. If the same 7th cusp sub lord is a significator to 1st or 6th or 10th his marriage is denied in most cases. For foreign trip: – One should analyze the houses 3rd 9th and 12th and the cusp sub lords of these houses individually. Mercury is disposed by 6th-ruler Saturn, which conjoins the Sun (dispositor of the Moon) early in the 6th house. However, if it represents 11 and the ascendant is in a movable sign, or if in a fixed sign representing ix, the lifespan is predicted to be short. Second Oct 7, 2024 · Matters related to 12th Cusp and results based on placement on 12th sublord and significators1. The lords of "Sub" divisions are also known as "Sub Lords" in kp system. Aug 1, 2023 · Suppose, the degree of ascendant is 16 degree Aquarius. It is necessary to give the predictions. Satrun is in the star of Sun, Sun is occupant of 6th and lord of 9th House. Dec 4, 2020 · MARRIAGE: The 7th cusp sub lord indicates one’s marriage. Aug 3, 2021 · Jupiter is occupant of 11th House and lord 1 and 4 Houses. To consult with an astrologer, refer to the 7th cusp. పి ప్రశ్న జాతకంలో 6th Cusp Sub Lord రవితో సంబంధాన్ని కలిగి 1,6,10 ఉంటే ప్రభుత్వ What are Krishnamurthy Houses? The Krishnamurthy system of division of the Zodiac into houses is different from the Vedic Astrology system. If the sub lord is connected to houses 2, 6, 10 or 11 and planets like Jupiter, Mercury, Mars or Saturn are also involved with the tenth house then it indicates strong potential for success in their chosen field. The 2nd cusp sub lord denotes Family. The rule in K. Rule: To win in any competition, elections or court case the most quoted rule is to check 6th cusp sub lord. Mercury in 8th House and lord of 2 and 5 Houses. Sub lord of 6th cusp: will have troubles through thieves, will suffer reverse, defeat, will commit wicked acts, will do service duties, will be dispised, scandalized and injured. KP Astrology utilizes a specific set of rules to determine whether a planet May 5, 2023 · If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. Ascendant cuspal sub-lord or moon will signify the query Aug 20, 2010 · But also the 12th lord and trining the sixth cusp and sextile to 8th cusp. So what are those? Rule: To win in any competition, elections or court case the most quoted rule is to check 6th cusp sub lord. 6666 = 1 degree 46 minutes 40 seconds. The 3rd cusp sub lord will reveal when the negotiation for the marriage comes to final. We see planets in the Lagna chart but to check the strength we have to see various divisional charts. Having more than one wife is probable if the 7th cusp’s sub lord is Mercury or any dual sign planet, especially emphasizing 2 and 11. Make a list of the following planets to predict the nature of the disease. for which the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is the deciding factor. In worst sub lord of star must not be retro. The sub-lord theory is a crucial concept in KP astrology, which is used to determine the timing of events. Satrun is occupant of 5th House and lord of 2 and 3. Rahu, the star lord of Venus is also the 11th cusp sub lord. The Sub lord at the starting degree of any cusp is known as the Cuspal Sub Lord. Aug 9, 2023 · Sub-Lord's Sign-Lord: The planet ruling the sign in which the sub-lord is situated. If the Sub- Sub lord of the 6th cusp is linked to 2 or 6 or 11 house with its star lord and sub lord then it promises that the native can get the loan. The KP Rule: Nature of the disease. It’s in Cancer 25:00:30 degrees. 1. Divorce: 1. Again 12th, as you all Aug 18, 2021 · 6th Cusp Sub Lord Mercury signifies 6,3,12, 6,2, 4,11, 4, 7,8 Houses. If it signifies 5 or 4 or 12 strongly then opponent … Read more The sub lord of the 6th cusp should signify 6th, 2nd or 10th house. May 30, 2020 · Meaning of Cuspal Interlink is when a planet either itself or thru its starlord and signifying one cusp is linked thru its co ruling planets owning a different cusp then the planet signifies both This document discusses the significance of the sub-lord of the 7th cusp in Vedic astrology and its relation to marriage, partnerships, business, and predictions. Disposal of immovable property : houses 3, 5 and 10 sub of 10th cusp signifying 3, 5 and 10. If it signifies 5 or 4 or 12 strongly then opponent … Read more Apr 17, 2010 · Astrogyaan Good analysis on KP. Now, this 9 divisions of stars hold a real concept or true dignity of KP Astrology. If it signifies 5 or 4 or 12 strongly then opponent will win. Mercury is occupant of 5th house and lord of 7 and 10 Houses. For a native to have defects, it is due to the 12th cusp sub lord that signifies any one of the evil houses like 6th, 8th, 12th. … Read more learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology जुलाई 11, 2023 शेयर करें Learn kp astrology - 19, 6th house | 6th cusp sub lord | How to get Bank Loan through horoscope जुलाई 11, 2023 शेयर करें Aug 17, 2021 · Venus is occupant of 7th House and lord of 1 and 6 Houses; Ketu is occupant of 7th House, which is in Mercury star. Explore our collection of 7th+cusp+sub+lord+is+saturn images that will inspire and captivate your imagination. Couple will experiment with many new methods. legally earned, no quid pro quo, and Shani makes fortunate and a miserable downfall at the End. However, if the 10th Cusp Sub Lord remains strongly connected with the 5th House along with the 2nd, 6th and 11th House, success can be confirmed. (self-significator) The 6th house – Aquarius Jupiter Sun; Sun is in Ketu Nakshatra learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology. ħ. Diseases, Defects and Remedy 6th cusp of natal chart gives complete picture of diseases which can occur during lifetime Different diseases manifest in different DBAs depending on what they signify DB lord, its starlord and in which sign the DB lord is placed decides the nature of diseases Ascendant and 6th house, 6 ,8 and 12 conjoined periods manifest diseases to the native Cure comes in The 6th house cusp and its sub-lord are analyzed to assess health-related matters, while the 8th house cusp is examined for longevity. As sub-lord of 5th cusp ,Mercury promises progeny. system's specificity. Sub Lord: When the Star Lord opposes the Sub Lord, it weakens the power of the Sub Lord, potentially causing delays or denials. By studying the sub-lords of these house cusps, along with the Dasha periods and transits, astrologers can predict potential health issues and suggest remedies to improve well-being. Lord of Gemini (Mithun) and Virgo (Kanya) zodiac signs is Mercury or Budh. In KP astrology every planet offers the result of it's nakshtra lord. Now see his significance He signigies 7th Principally at Step 4. Sep 28, 2020 · House Lord Or Cusp Lord. If any of the above two conditions is not satisfied, then second marriage is denied. This sub lord should not occupy a star whose lord is retrograde at the time of judgment. If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is in the star of a depositor in 6th or 11th, indicates very good financial status for him. 17. • 7th Cuspal Sublord if signify 7or 2 or 11 then the marriage is The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is deposited in a dual sign or in the constellation of a planet in or owning a dual sign or if the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is Mercury; and. It is necessary to judge a planet by the lord of costellation and "sub" when you can have the "correct results". The ascendant is directly connected with 6th cusp and 8th cusp, as Mercury rules 8th cusp. Sages words never go wrong. 2. 3. పి ప్రశ్న జాతకంలో 6th Cusp Sub Lord రవితో సంబంధాన్ని కలిగి 1,6,10 ఉంటే ప్రభుత్వ KP Rule of Cuspal Sub-Lord: The Cuspal Sub-Lord of a house indicates the promise of that particular event. My 7th house cusp sub lord is Rahu and I do have Rahu in my 7th house in Sagittarius, so does that mean marriage will likely occur? Planet is the source star is the event and sub is the decider. Have additional checks before confirmation • If 6th Cusp sub is signifying 6th and 12th then the person is certainly suffering and will be admitted in a hospital. Analysis Ascendant cuspal sub lord or moon will signify the query Sub Lord is Mars signifying 8, 11 and 12 – So query is confirmed. To calculate the sub-lord, you need to understand the concept of star lord as this is divided into nine sub-divisions, known as sub-lord. At the same time Mercury as sub-lord of 6th cusp difficulty in child birth is also not ruled out. Since the house length is unequal, the cusp of two consecutive houses can fall in the same sign. excellent finance status and honour. MR Prasad S Mar 23, 2023 · If the sub lord of the 4th cusp if becomes the significator to the 12th for investment, to the 4th for building a house to live, and the 11th to get fulfillment of ones desire. (note: The cuspal sub lord of a house is also a planet. Longevity of father: – For the long life of father, if the 9th cusp sub lord signifies the houses other than 9th 11th 1st and the 6th houses, gives long life to father. Defects are shown by the 12th cusp sub lord. According to this theory, each planet is divided into nine unequal sub-lords, and each sub-lord rules over a particular degree of a sign. If the sub-lord of the 7th cusp is connected in any manner -by lordship, occupation, constellation or sub to houses 2, 7 or 11 or the sub-lord is conjoined with a signif icatorof houses 2, 7, 11, marriage is certainly promised. Beautifully explained by Shri MR PrasadShare your feedback and suggestions, questions as comments. (having sexual pleasure prior to legal wed lock). Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology. Mercury is also in the Sun Star. 2nd house is one’s earning 6th house about service, 10th about profession & career. The sub lord of the 6th cusp reveals the type of disease in terms of its placements in the birth chart or horary chart and it is seen through the sign lord, star lord. Its sub lord Venus is in 5th house an earthy sign. Ĩ. This is a major difference from the Bhava Chalit chart in Vedic astrology. DUAL MARRIAGE: – If the 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury or any planet occupying a dual sign, or any planet in the star of Mercury and occupying a dual sign being the sub lord of the 7th cusp sub lord, with 2nd & 11th house significations. The most important house cusp sub lord should not itself be retrograde at the time of judgment. Divorce: Dec 3, 2024 · Conclusion to 6th House Lord: Understanding the 6th house introduces a layer of awareness about how health, service, and responsibility manifest in your life. How to use the cuspal sub lord in kp astrology. 8. Ħ. Aug 10, 2023 · MOON — natal 6th and also rules the 12th house (Cancer) and PRATYANTAR RAHU again signifies 12th house. The sub lord of the 6th cusp should signify 6th, 2nd or 10th house. Now these planets should be in the ruling planets, if not then you will have to check the time, and increase or decrease few minutes. g 7th Cusp is the main cusp for marriage. Sep 10, 2014 · The ascendant is in star of Mercury and sub of venus. If the sub lord of the 6th cusp signifies 2, 6 and 11, there is receipt of money as one desire. Conversely, if the Sub Lord opposes the Star Lord, it lacks the strength to produce Dec 16, 2024 · 2nd cusp (speech) fell in airy sign. If it signifies 5 or 4 or 12 strongly then opponent … Read more Sign, Star, Sub & Sub-Sub Lord with Horary Number. Lord of Leo (Singh) zodiac sign is Sun or Surya. Venus signifies 9th house and 3rd house through its star lord Moon and 1st, 2nd and 6th house through sub lord Saturn. Whenever the sub lord of 3rd cusp was in the star of a planet in retrograde motion, line will be outof order. Mar 11, 2018 · 1. From KP Astrology perspective — his 12th CUSP SUB LORD is RAHU. 6th Cusp Sub lord Venus signifies 7,1,6 8, 2,5 Houses. Lord of Taurus (Vrish) and Libra (Tula) zodiac signs is Venus or Shukra. Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in Jun 2, 2011 · 1. If the star lord of the 4th cusp sub signifies the 12th and 4th it indicates ones education may be in a foreign country in some cases where the 4th sub lord negates the 4th house matters. Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in astrology Can I win May 18, 2023 · For one to earn money by self exertion, the sub lord of the 10th should be significator to the 2nd (the house of self acquisition) and the 6th (indicates service matters) and the 10th which indicates ones profession If the 10th cusp sub is a significator to the 7th house and 2nd he or she becomes a trader or business … 6. This is only a preliminary explanation for one planet whereas there are other such 8 entities which will contribute and offer variations to the event as projected by the house. learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology. If it signifies 1st 6th 10th, one may not come under marital fold. May 29, 2023 · If the 7th cusp sub lord signifies 2-7-11th houses and the person with such Ruling Planets such as the significators to 2-7-11 one will marry a rich boy or a rich girl for a happy married life. Step 3. Here The sub lord of the ascendant cusp that represents bhadaka and maraka houses indicates a short lifespan. If the sub lord of 3rd cusp is itself retrograde, and the lord of constellation is direct, it matured later. So you are affected with hives (urticaria). (KP-129 Page) The above horoscope 12th and 6th sub lord is same as Mars. If the 10th cusp sub lord signifies 7 his profession (main) is business and if signifies 6, profession is service. May 5, 2017 · Sub lord of 5th cusp: Loss of a child, aberration of the mind, deception, wearisome, wandering, trouble in the stomach, displeasure of the government and bodily weakness. The sub-lord of the 7th cusp is also a significator of either of the houses 2 or 11. The ongoing time period Mahadasha and Antardasha if connect the 6th house and Lagna, then it will give disease in their periods. And 6th house also signifies negative house of 8,12. Discover the influence of the 2nd, 7t Mar 11, 2018 · Saturn is not retrograde. Planetary Aspects: The influence of other planets on the sub-lord. Span of a Sub Lord Jupiter = (16 / 120) X 800 = 106. He is in the sign and sub of Venus who is conjoined with Mercury the 6th lord and Jupiter is also aspected by Mars the star lord of the 6th cusp. जुलाई 11, 2023 Nov 29, 2024 · Your name does not suggest that you are a male or female. If the sub lord of the 6th cusp signifies the houses 6th or 8th or 12th or all the houses, one suffers from illness, anxiety, dangers, worries, and loss of property etc. If this sub lord of the 6th cusp or its star lord happens to beSaturn or is in any way connected to Saturn, the disease will be a chronic one. May 11, 2023 · In this case, you would look at the 10th house (the house of career) and examine the sub lord of its cusp. This happens only if venus is not badly placed when counted from 7th house. As Jupiter is signifying 7th,6th and 11th your marriage would be performed after al Jul 11, 2023 · learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology. For reappointment in service, the sub lord of the 6th cusp should signify 6 or 10 or 2 and if signifies 1, 5, 9 or 12, no These planets indicate the disease according to 6, 8 and 12 houses. Sign, Star And Sub Table Dec 30, 2024 · For one to earn money by self exertion, the sub lord of the 10th should be significator to the 2nd (the house of self acquisition) and the 6th (indicates service matters) and the 10th which indicates ones profession If the 10th cusp sub is a significator to the 7th house and 2nd he or she becomes a trader or business … Aug 15, 2013 · 7. 12. Court Matter, Court Case in astrology, litigation in A person to get loan is in general determined from the 6th house. Therefore the 12th cusp sub lord should signify the above Discover trending stunning Sketch Rendering of 7th+cusp+sub+lord+is+saturn images at PromeAI. Sub of 2nd cusp signi. If it is for business, consider the 10th and 6th houses in addition to III & IX cusp sub lords. However, the same CSL also signify 1s, 5th, 9th, 8th or 12th house, it could indicate change or difficulty at job. Step 4. Mercury is deposited in 7th house and is lord of 3rd and 6th. In this KP Astrology lesson, we dive into how to predict marriage and relationship success using the 7th cusp sub-lord. Question: కె. For Taurus Lagna 9th house is learn kp astrology – 21, 6th Cusp Sub lord, कोर्ट मुकदमा litigation in kp astrology. Mercury the bhukthi lord is the lord as well as sub lord of the 6th cusp and occupying Asc. If it signifies 1st. If it represents houses 1,5,9,10 and also 3 & 8, it suggests a long life. While 6th cusp sub lord tells about the nature of the disease, that of 8th tells about danger, and fatality is finally told. 11. Jul 19, 2015 · 2. Disease is indicated by 6, danger by 8, and defect by 12. If the star lord is deposited in 2nd or 10th, moderate affluence. Sub-Lord's Star-Lord's Position: The position of the star-lord of the sub-lord in the chart. 2nd-6th-and ôÿ ª €ê÷ðˆÊÞ SFd¥ó‡€ªV qwØ«â× ýóß_ Æî€X¶ãz¾ÿl•õg×åô¬ ; · ¬ÜÀT·×oïõ ^fÆ®¨x ¨RHŒ$ré4 s¹Îý:“¿Výÿü|eÙ£ß The 7th cusp sub will indicate the marital matters of the native. P. In this book, the results of all the twelve Cusp Sub-lords are given in detail with respect to their significations and their occupation in the cusp chart. 4. Consider the 6th house for sickness or disease. Sub of 2nd cusp in Mesha, Mithuna, Simha,Thula,Dhanur,Kumbha brings excellent finance inwards. Here all three planets – Mercury, Sun and Saturn are signifying 6th house. 11 houses are to be to be judged for marriage . Krishnamurti Padhdhati, Vol. . To find out the time of disease was developed, we should find out the common signification of 1st and 6th. If Guru is in above. Here one should understand to consider the 3rd cusp sub lord and the 9th cusp sub lord’s significations for success in negotiations with each other parties. Moreover, 6th cusp sublord Venus is also the star lord of the 11th cusp. If the lagna lord becomes the 6th lord also and signifies the 9th house or sits in the 9th house with full strength, one may not stick to one single office and service Sub Lord in KP Astrology and How to Calculate it. Apply KP rule: 7th cusp Sub Lord must signify 2,7, or 11. Further for timing Description In Krishnamurti Paddhati, great importance is given to Cusp Sub-lords. If the sub lord of the 8th cusp signifies 5th 6th, 8th and 12th, the native will be borrowing from A to Z, If the same sub lord becomes the significator to 2nd, 10th, and 11th the native gets adequate income and repays the loan. This causes both the houses to have the same lord. longevity :- sub lord of the ascendant cusp if signifies bhadaka and maraka houses short life. The nature of the sub of the 12th cusp and the bhavas it signifies throws light on the part of the body affected. Lagna sub-lord 2. 2nd house is about one’s family 7th house is about a partner, 11th is about the fulfilment of desire. Read more. The sub-lord of a planet can reveal the exact time and nature of the event it signifies. If it signifies strongly 6 or 10 or 11 then the person will win. In the present case 7th cusp Sub lord is Venus. For getting off springs, you look in to the 5th cusp sub lord and so on. Suppose Jupiter signifying 6th house in star of Saturn and Star Saturn (10), Jupiters Sub is Mercury (2) Now if sub postion becomes 8 or 12 fron star postion the star lord indicated event will not fructify. The 3rd shows leaving home; the 9th tells about ones long journey; the 12th indicates new environments and foreign land. Significators and Events. If one analyses the sub lord of that cusp, one will be able to predict whether such matter indicated by that house will fructify or not. Here the house and 3 stars are fixed due to the equal house concept. If the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the 3rd house, which is 12th to your permanent residing house, and the 5th which shows changes, and the 10th which is 4th to the opponent that is indicated by the person who is waiting to by a house. In the same manner one should check the 11th cuspal sub lord’s signification. In case the sub-lord of the 7th cusp does not signify any Mar 26, 2015 · 6th cusp sub lord: It is Saturn in own star and in sub of Sun 11th cusp sub lord: It is Rahu in star of Moon and sub of Saturn On the onset itself, KP astrologers will see that this team is going to lose, but let us also see the condition of the opponent. Placement and Sublord of 6th Bhava and its effects in Krishnamurti Paddhati:- 1. Income tax trouble : houses 7, 8 and 12 sub lord of the 10th cusp. This will change the sub lord. nvcsgpve ghfn uyx bfwo jachi dbk xlxwo nwp ucnm oiushwf