Blood on clothes hanafi

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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3. 4. A. Mehrazur Rahman. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee May 3, 2024 · Abnormal vaginal bleeding ( istihada) is invalid blood. Written by Alimah Sumeyye Sofu. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link. Praying salaah with clothes stained with blood. Form-fitting jeans that fully define the shape and form of a part of the body that must be covered with clothing Jan 5, 2018 · With regard to blood that comes out of the nose or mouth, if it is a small amount, then it is overlooked, but if it is a large amount then it is najis, and whatever gets onto the body or the clothes must be washed off; if that happens during prayer, then the prayer is rendered invalid and must be repeated if it was an obligatory prayer. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best. If you cannot see the the impurity, you should wash the item of clothing thrice, in the place where you think it has been affected, squeezing each time. And Allah alone knows best. It is better, for the clothing to be soiled with impurity is unsightly. Answer: Mu’adhah said: “I asked ‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) about the menstruating woman whose garment was touched by blood. In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. And I have had mymenstruation during the time of the Messenger of Dec 17, 2018 · Yes, it is permissible to wash impure clothes in a washing machine and a single impure cloth will not render the remaining clothes impure. Wadi is defined as a thick white cloudy secretion that has no smell, and usually follows urination and can sometimes come before it. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, concerning menstrual blood that got onto a woman’s garment: “She should scratch it, then rub it with water, then wash it, then pray in it. If after washing, a smell or stain of the impurity Aug 3, 2012 · Praise be to Allah. In his famous work, Fiqh As-Sunnah To perform Salaah with that amount of impurity without a valid excuse will be Makrooh. I pray you are in good faith and health. Yes, salah is valid in those clothes. (Dars Tirmizi p. za, where the questions have been Apr 27, 2015 · According to the Hanafi Mathhab, it is not obligatory to wash impurity on the body before performing Ghusl, but it is only recommended. Dec 15, 2008 · Your prayers, Fajr, Zuhr and ‘Asr, are valid in sha Allah, and you do not have to repeat them. Al-Babarti said in the book Al-‘Inayah Sharh Al-Hidaya: “ The major impurity like the size of the Dirham or less, such as blood, urine, wine, chicken excrement, and donkey urine – it is permissible to 1. [iv] And Allah Ta‘ala Knows Best. If they come out without any trace of filth, they are considered to have become ritually pure. 1 However, its saliva is filthy2 and its uncleanness is the uncleanness of its flesh and blood. If there is little blood, then do you consider that the the blood would not have flown out of the the wound and that you still have wudhu?A: If it seems like it did not flow out then this does not nullify the Rules for Qaleelah (Little flow) Wash the surface of the vagina. ] One cycle in the washing machine is sufficient to remove the essence of visible impurities and to purify invisible impurities to the Jun 7, 2023 · Answer. The Fuqahaa mention if a person is in a hurry while travelling, he could omit the Sunnah Salaat. No, the ritual ablution (wudu) is unaffected by coming into contact with blood or other ritually impure substances. A discharge from the inner section of the vagina is usually clear, cloudy, or whitish, moderate in quantity, thin or slightly viscous, and with a mild odor. Imam `Ala’ al-Din al-Haskafi stated in his Durr al-Mukhtar Sharh Tanwir al-Absar, the most important commentary in Hanafi fiqh Please answer my question clearly and directly. Since many women commonly suffer from this problem, the preferred view is Vomit, including baby vomit, is only considered filthy if it is more than a mouthful, with a mouthful being defined as that which the mouth (of the one vomiting) would not be able to hold in without undue difficulty. [see: Could You Please List All the Nullifiers of Ablution According to the Hanafi school?] The jurists understood that flowing blood was filthy from the explicit mention in the words of Allah Most High in 6. Impure blood is one that comes out at the time of slaughtering an animal which is called dam masfooh (blood that pours forth). Practically speaking, it is any colored vaginal discharge that is not ruled as menstruation ( hayd ) or lochia ( nifas ). It is better to have loose slacks and something (whether a longer shirt, a coat or a jacket) that covers his rear. In the Hanafi madhhab, istihada can be any color and any type of flow – even red A: If her the bleeding resumed before fifteen full days of purity could pass from the fourth day when it had initially stopped, then her haidh will revert to her last habit of 7 days and the bleeding thereafter will be counted as istihaadhah. The place where I am making ghusl is wet already. Q: I burst a pimple on my thigh to remove its pus, and just rubbed the pus with my fingers, then I wore my undergarment and pants without cleaning the pus and/or blood that got stuck on my thigh after rubbing the pimple, nor did I clean my hands. If there is little blood, then do you consider that the the blood would not have flown out of the the wound and that you still have wudhu? A: If it seems like it did not flow out then this does not nullify the wudhu. [Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar] Please advise me what to do. 5. After cleaning yourself, you should wash the soiled area on your clothing or change your clothes and thereafter perform Salaah. In the Hanafi madhhab, the excused amount of filth that is permitted to remain on a person’s clothes and body such that the prayer remains valid is: Q:1. Simply tasting blood with your tongue does Aug 8, 2022 · Remember that this applies to impurity that exceeds the excused amount. I would like to know if it is permissible to pray Qadha salaah in the masjid. Do I assume that the bleeding started again after I prayed asr, or do I assume May 26, 2014 · Answer: Wa’alikum assalam wa rahmatullahi, 1- White discharge is not considered discolored so it does not break wudu according to the Hanafi school. com. This is supported by what An-Nawawi The Jurists have mentioned that there are two types of impurities. This is the ruling for filth exiting from other than the private parts. If it smears the clothes then one can offer salah without washing it. If liquid impurities, such as urine, come in contact with any object, that object is impure. Answered by: Alimah Sumeyye Sofu Question Assalamu Alaikum. 28 v. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada. Answer. g. 75 cm) in diameter, then you will have to remove the impurity by washing the garment three times before performing Salaah [2], and if it is less than this amount then it Apr 9, 2023 · Answer. The blood is ruled as filthy ( najas ), and its. without soap, liquid etc) some Impurity cannot be removed from a garment except by washing it with clean water. This liquid is considered wadi and not madhi. Thus flowing blood nullifies wudu. Being pure and free from Najasah is a condition of the prayer being valid. It will be fine if the crosses are small, embedded in a design, and not clearly distinguishable as a crucifix. This is generally slightly thicker and more like slime than perspiration. Mufti Ebrahim Desai. Highlighting the Sunan of Ghusl, Al-Kanz (i. She must therefore try her best to protect her clothes from becoming messed up with the blood while in salaah. [1] Only Allah knows best. If it is not flowing then it is not impure and you may make your wudhu in that state. Darul Ifta Birmingham. In addition to a small amount of pus not invalidating the wudu, it is also not considered impure. Therefore the ruling of flowing blood will apply (i. As for filth exiting from the private parts, ablution is nullified A: No. End quote. Some of the early Muslims would Jul 21, 2013 · According to the Hanafi School of jurisprudence, Mani is impure, and it is among the major impurities, but if it is dry, it is enough to purify one’s clothes from it by scratching it off them. Keep one’s gaze on one’s point of prostration. Now, some amount of pus will stick to Sep 11, 1998 · The basic principle is that bleeding does not break wudu . Imam Shurunbulali , a famous Hanafi scholar has written, “A cloth does not become impure if it has been struck by a wind that has blown over some filth, unless the filth becomes visible on the clothes. (Ahsanul Fatawa p. She said: ‘She should wash it, then if its traces are still left, let her change it (the spot) with (something) yellowish in colour. However, what is hard to avoid is forgiven, such Aug 23, 2021 · The blood stained clothes, as well as the other clothing that was washed in the washing machine, are pure. If one has urine on their hand and the hand dries, although still impure, the impurity will not transfer to anything dry that the hand touches. This is understood from the words of Ibn Abidin in his Radd al-Muhtar Q: If a boil busts somewhere on your body and you only find out after the blood has dried on your clothing. 1) Clothing soiled with such impurities that are visible like blood and vaginal secretion, must be washed until the visible impurities are removed. Would the item of clothing be considered Paak and could Salaat be offered by wearing such an item? Answer: Once the body matter of the impurity is removed Answer. If blood stained clothing was put into a washing machine and washed with other clothes, are all the clothes now impure? Answer. Allah knows best. And Allah knows best. Answer: It depends on the amount of blood. The presence of stains after the washing cycle does not effect the ruling as such stains are excused. If the blood is such that if left alone it would not have flowed (within that sitting) then the wudhu will not break irrespective of whether traces of blood can be seen on ones clothes or not. Also, if the discharge is coming beyond the vagina (womb) and it’s a sticky substance then that will be considered as impure and wudu will be Wajib. com, which used to have a repository of Islamic Q&A answered by various scholars. See the answer to question no. A small amount of all types of impurities may be Aug 9, 2023 · A woman experiencing istihadah: 1- doesn’t have to perform ghusl for every prayer, 2- must make wudu for every prayer, 3 -wash her vagina before she makes wudu, 4- may have intercourse with her husband, and 5- may pray, fast, remain in the mosque, recite the Quran, touch a copy of the Quran, and so on. Plasma is basically blood without the red blood cells, and because the red blood cells make blood red, plasma is yellow. (Fatwa: 362/148/L=1433) (1) One does not become impure by touching nijasah (semen, ovum, blood etc), so one is not required to have bath. I don’t know if this blood touched my clothes that I was wearing or the clean clothes I put away or anything I my have touched and with most clothes being black it’s hard to tell. Tabraze Azam. Q: If a boil busts somewhere on your body and you only find out after the blood has dried on your clothing. Some scholars suggested that wudu is broken if the amount of blood lost from any place other than the vagina is considered to be excessive. Aug 21, 2011 · wudhu will remain intact. Acts of worship should be based on sound reports, so no one is permitted to say that any act of worship is prescribed by Islam unless he has evidence. However, if a Musaafir (traveller) is not rushing, he should perform the Sunnah Salaat. If the impure dry hand comes into contact with something wet, that thing will Answer: According to the Hanafi school, the dog is not fundamentally filthy. Firstly: Blood is najis (impure) according to most of the scholars. Feb 15, 2011 · Al-Nawawi said in al-Majmoo’: If it – the hadith about the woman who was suffering from istihaadah – is saheeh, what it means is that this bleeding is not menstrual blood, rather it requires Wudu because it comes out from the same area as urine comes out. Checked & Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. The fact that they are pure is indicated by the words of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): “If a fly falls in the vessel of one of you, let him submerge it entirely, then take it out and throw it away, for on one of its wings is healing and Sep 23, 2016 · Seeing blood on one's clothes Q: If a person performed Salaah and a while after that realised that there was blood on his clothes and was not sure when it occurred or messed on the clothes, does Salaah have to be repeated? If yes, should wudhu also have to be repeated? A: One will regard his clot I witness putting clothes in a machine slash water go around the machine so impurities go everywhere. Mufti Waseem Khan By keeping this in front of you, it will be difficult for you to remain asleep. 87) There is a hadith which says that as long as the traces of However, if the moist is mixed with Madhi (pre-coital fluid) or coloured with blood then the wudhu will break. If the bleeding was after the wudhu then the wudhu is broken obviously and hence the namaaz needs to be repeated. Even though a minority opinion states that non-flowing blood (or pus) that contacts a liquid makes the liquid impure – this cautious opinion is not taken by one who suffers from misgivings (waswasa) as a principle. [iii] It is not permissible to perform Salah with such clothes. co. Original Source Link. Based on this principle, if the urine drops is more than a Dirham (approximately 2. It will be prohibitively disliked (makruh tahriman) to pray with clothing or a logo with a clear crucifix cross on it. Malik informed us: “Nafi narrated to us that when Saaiduna Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu had a nosebleed (during the prayer), he would, without speaking, leave, do wudhu Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. Faraz Rabbani. The blood stained clothes, as well as the other clothing that was washed in the washing machine, are pure. Change the cotton. The condition for blood [or other impure substances such as pus] to invalidate one’s ritual ablutions (wudu) is that they: a) exit the body; and. If it is the outer part of the lip that is bleeding and one ingests the blood the fast breaks. The greater the adab, the greater the benefit. The washing machine only had one wash cycle, one rinse cycle and one spins cycle at the end ( though I noticed during the rinse cycle, not all of the soapy water was drained away before rinsing). Question: Am I obliged to wash away the istihada blood on my clothes before praying? Answer: Bismi Llahir Rahmanir Rahim. Contrary to popular thought, istihada is not a specific color, consistency, or flow. After I had passed stool, there was a lot of bleeding in my back part. Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah. If you are sure of that part of your hand being napaak and being wet then the cloth should be washed. If the blood of the slaughtered animal stains the clothes and it is more than a Dirham (hollow part of one’s palm) [ii], then the clothes will be considered impure. [Ibid. If Najasah (impurity) gets onto a person’s clothes, he does not have to do Ghusl. Soak the stain in cold water as soon as possible. Serum is plasma without clotting factors and is also yellow. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach Covering the nakedness is a condition for the validity of the prayer. For each prayer perform one new wudhu (ablution) All other kinds of worship where wudhu is necessary require a new wudhu as per Ihtiyat-e-Wajib, (Imam Khomeini). In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Prayer with it is also valid. Secondly: If a person starts to pray and whilst praying he notices a small spot of blood on his thobe, he should complete his prayer and he does not have to exit his prayer in order to purify his garment. Run water over the spot using the other hand to rub lightly. I am making ghusl. If after washing, a smell or stain of the impurity As regards the ruling when blood reaches the praying person`s clothes: if it was his, then he is excused regardless of its amount, provided that he didn`t cause the blood to come out on purpose such as deliberately wearing clothes soiled with his own blood, and that his blood isn`t mixed with someone else`s. Nevertheless, impure substances can transfer to something pure, such as a hand or Sep 16, 2009 · In Al-Mawsoo‘ah Al-Fiqhiyyah, it is stated, The Hanafi and Maaliki scholars hold that if a person who suffers a nosebleed and blocks his nose until the blood came out of his mouth without reaching the throat, his/ her fast will still be valid, because the blood moved through the passage of the nose to the mouth without any of it being pushed How many times a blood stained garment needs to be washed Answer: In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. A: If you are referring to the clothes that are washed in a washing machine, then all the clothes will become paak. I saw it after I put clean clothes away and it seemed dry. (Only in the first rakat:) Recite the opening invocation (thana), followed by seeking refuge from the Devil (ta’awwudh) reciting both silently. It does not mean that the emission of blood, from any site, requires Wudu. za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria A: Blood does break your wudu if an abundant amount comes out regardless if it stains your clothes or not. The water at the place of ghusl does not have any sign of I pray that you are in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah. e. What this means is if a woman has made wudhu for salat and if she decides to touch the script of the Answer. It is also limpid, viscid, and mucous. Jazak Allah khayr. As a general rule, it is highly recommended and In the name of Allah, Most Gracious and Merciful. When washing clothing with imperceivable filth: Identify the area where the filth is, and hold it between one’s fingers, separating it from the rest of the garment. This answer was collected from HanbaliDisciples. Answer: If the Najaasah on the clothes can be seen (e. Any cycle that exceeds past 10 days is returned to the habit . Kanz Ad-Daqaai'q, a Hanafi book) reads: “ Among its Sunan is for a person to wash his hands, his private parts and any impurity that is on his body, and then he May 31, 2024 · Instructions. The piece of clothing is washed in the washing machine but the bloodstains are not removed. 2) Dec 5, 2019 · The blood that comes out of a wound is impure; it should be washed and the clothes that are stained with it must be purified before praying in them. Oct 21, 2013 · I pray that you are in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah. Impurity less than the excused amount does not affect the validity of the prayer. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. That is for two reasons: 1. Removing the impurity may be done by washing it until the traces of the impurity have disappeared. It is not sufficient merely to let the impurity dry out. 2 – The kursuf is a cotton or similar which a woman place at the vaginal opening between the lips of the vagina to check for blood, this is according to the Hanafi school. Please also see: Covering the Nakedness for a Man: Answers. I wiped until I saw no blood on the tissue, then took a shower, then prayed dhuhr and asr prayers. The legal cause for the nullification of the ablution (wudu) is the exiting of filth. The invalid (ma`zoor) person can make as much namaaz within that namaaz time. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Yes, if there is some impurity (such as blood, urine) on your clothing, you simply wash it until no traces remain. Hence one will not have to repeat the Salaah performed before the time he had seen the blood. Once the impurities are removed, then it becomes clean A: To clear your mind of all doubts it is better that you wash the napaaki off the clothing and then put it into the machine. Is it permissible to give blood to blood banks? A blood-test will invalidate the wudhu even though it is extracted and does not come out the body on its own force and even though it does not spread beyond the point of exit. [1] Quduri p. Clothes worn during menstruation are pure (tahir), and are not recommended to wash unless there is reasonable fear that there may be blood on them. This answer was collected from MuftiOnline. [As mentioned in Radd al-Muhtar and elsewhere] However: 1. presence on the body or clothes could impact the validity of a woman’s prayers. Thereafter, it is problematic to have holes in your clothing from which the nakedness underneath can be seen from a normal distance. I realise a few moments later that there is blood on my toe, and this must have existed before my ghusl started, as it is dry. wudhu will be In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. The legal ruling (fatwa) in the Hanafi school is that a woman’s feet are not parts of the body which must be covered with clothing (`awra). In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, Almost all of the books in the Hanafi Madhhab explain that, if blood exits from any part of one’s body and flows to a place upon which the command of purification applies, then one’s Wudu will be nullified. If the stain is super fresh, place it under cold running water and try to flush out as much of the fresh blood as you can. An object rendered impure by a solid impurity shall be washed until the body of the solid impurity has been removed. If one’s clothes come into contact with a wet dog’s body, no filth will be considered to have transferred to one. [Ibn ‘Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar] Note that blood stains which are difficult to remove are excused. A woman who is experiencing abnormal vaginal bleeding ( istihada) is still required to pray with ablution ( wudu ). A: One will regard his clothes to be napaak from the time one had seen the blood on one’s clothes. (ImadadulFatawa p: 65 v: 1) Only Allah knows best. This answer was indexed from Qibla. If a person prays with with the excused amount of filth on their clothes or body, it is Yes, it is permissible to wash impure clothes in a washing machine and a single impure cloth will not render the remaining clothes impure. less than 5 centimeters in diameter of liquid filth. Al-Ikhtiyaar li-Ta’leel Al-Mukhtaar, which is one of the books of the Hanafi School, reads: “ Anything that comes out of the human body that Place the right hand over the left under the navel for men and on the breast for women, and feet four fingers apart. Is it considered blood and therefore najas, or is it tahir? Answer: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, Dec 1, 2022 · Non-Flowing Pus is Pure. If you are absolutely certain that normal female discharge has come out (as a rare occurrence) during prayer, you must repeat purification and prayer. c) the blood has not moved from the injured area to a ‘distant’ area of the body or clothes, such as blood from the head landing on the arms or feet (as opposed to a part of the body that is ‘near’ to the injured area, such as the face neck or shoulders in this scenario). 9. In this fatwa: With regard to what gets onto your garment of blood or pus, if it is a small amount, there is nothing wrong with you praying in that garment. The sunna is to pray in dignified clothing that you would reasonably wear in front of respectable people. Written by Moulana Muhammad Imad Ali. The dirham is equivalent to 5 centimeters or 2 inches in diameter. We have already stated that the blood of a human being is impure according to the view of most scholars, and that the view that it is pure is weak. In fact, with a righteous intention, there’d be great reward in doing so. You are supposed to resume prayer and fasting when the discharge becomes clear again or if your cycle goes beyond 10 days. za, where the Jul 22, 2010 · In the Hanafi school, ritual ablution (wudu) is nullified when blood both exits and flows beyond the point of exit to a place on the body that is required or recommended to wash in the ritual bath (ghusl). Rather, the ablution is nullified by the exiting of filth from your own body. If after thorough ordinary washing (i. In the Hanafi madhhab, the excused amount of filth that is permitted to remain on a person’s clothes and body such that the prayer remains valid is: less than 5 grams in weight of solid filth, or. b) flow past the point of exit, actually or effective (such that if left unwiped, it would have flowed); Anything Also please tell me while washing polluted clothes, the washing water splashes on our clothes as well, do our clothes get polluted as well? A. Any blood that is seen during the ten possible days of menstruation is ruled as menstruation, and any bleeding that exceeds the menstrual maximum of ten complete days (240 hours) is ruled as istihada. Urine on the clothing or body that does not exceed the size of a dirham is excused. Treat the Jun 28, 2022 · The Transference of Impurities. The semen of human beings is considered as a Najaasat Ghaleeza (heavy type of impurity) and washing is wajib if the impurity covers an area greater than the size of a dirham. 316 v. However, if there had been some sort of filth on the Q: I wanted to ask that, I must have bled a little from my finger which I didn’t know about. And the blood which is in the meat of the animal is not impure. Answer: Walaikum assalam, In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate. za, where the questions A: 1. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuhu. 2. And Allah alone gives success. However it is necessary to wash the part of hand that is smeared with nijasah. A: Flowing blood is napaak. For example, a ten-year old girl sees vaginal b) The blood is not mixed with something else, even something pure. Remove it from the water and squeeze the area slightly until the drops stop dripping. Praying salaah with clothes stained with blood; Placing chicken in hot water to remove feathers. In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. If it is after the time then only the fardh will be repeated. Whereas madhi is a clear thin secretion that exits in small amounts (f: when having a lustful thought or when making Jul 2, 2023 · All of these insects [and arachnids] do not have blood or a circulatory system. Jul 27, 2021 · Practical Method. If it is a large amount, then you have to Nov 9, 2017 · According to the Hanafis, there are three methods for purifying the impure clothes that are soiled by menstrual blood, urine, or any other impurity, as explained in the Hanafi book Tuhfat Al-Fuqahaa': As for purification by washing, we say: it is agreed upon that the impurity is purified by washing in running water. ” She must therefore try her best to protect her clothes from becoming messed up with the blood while in salaah. However, it is something offensive to sound temperaments, so it is advisable to remove. If it is more than 1 dirham (50p coin), then Salah will not be permissible. I wear my clothes after I finish my ghusl. Nevertheless, impure substances can transfer to something pure, such as a hand or Walaikum assalam, Unless the amount of blood in the mosquito is enough that it would have flowed, it is considered pure (tahir), and does not make surfaces it contacts filthy (najis). I suffer from acne and as a result i have blood stains on my shirts Even after washing these the stains remain, can i offer salaat in these shirts Answer: Bismi Llahir Rahmanir Rahim. If it is less than a dirham, then the I accidentally included a piece of clothing that had some blood on it together with other clothes for washing using a washing machine. May 11, 2023 · 1. Performing salaah with pus stuck on one’s clothes or body. Blood is impure and she should not perform salaah with her shirt that got stained with the blood. Najaasat Ghaleezah ( heavy impurity) Najaasat Khafeefah (lighter impurity) If Najaasat Ghallezah is thin and flowing (such as urine, blood etc), and falls on the body or clothes it will be excused if the area on which it falls is equal to or less than a fifty pence coin in extent. Sometimes plasma or serum splashes on my clothes. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) This answer was collected from MuftiOnline. If there is a sign or mark of the impurity on your clothes it will be necessary to wash it off before commencing the salah. If however, the shirt with the blood has been washed but the stain has remained (even after washing and drying), then it will be Question. ” (Nurul Idah p. Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Merciful. As for praying in one’s best clothing, there would be nothing wrong with this. A: If the blood stain was more than the circumference of the hollow of the palm then the namaaz performed in such a condition will have to be repeated. 145. A menstrual beginner is a girl who is experiencing menstruation for the first time in her life. The Shafi’i Madhab stipulates the removal of the impurity from a cloth; as well as its traces (color, smell and taste) for an impurity that can be seen. Then at maghrib I went to the bathroom, and saw even more blood. Brooklyn, NY, USA. Blood on clothes. Zakaat on breeding chickens Is it permissible to allow a non Muslim to perform Salaah in the Masjid. You are not certain when the madhiy was emitted, so there is the possibility that it was emitted after ‘Asr prayer. If, however, it is the inner part of the lip that is bleeding then the following rulings apply: Tasting Blood From the Inner Part of the Lip. The Muslim must beware of impurity and try to avoid it as much as he can. [1]. If our finger gets cut and blood flows out leaving bloodstains on our Hijab or dress, will our Salah will be valid if we pray in those clothes? بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most I have dried blood on my toe but did not realise. In the event of this uncertainty, the basic principle is that the prayers that were done previously are Aug 2, 2022 · Some scholars are of the view that the minor impurity is overlooked generally, among those scholars are the scholars of the Hanafi School. ANSWER. , blood), then it should be washed until the impurity is gone and the traces of it are also gone: يجوز التطهير Sep 5, 2009 · You are supposed to stop praying and fasting whenever you see discolored discharge, if it happens in days where it would be possible for you to have menstruation. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) This answer was collected from MuftiOnline. Somewhat tight jeans would be at least somewhat disliked and blameworthy. Caution and scrupulousness would entail covering the Mar 10, 2022 · Washing filthy clothes-items, which include the pad you mention, in a washing machine is permitted. (2) One does not become impure by inserting his finger in the vagina of one’s wife and it is not necessary as well to Jan 18, 2019 · Please answer my question clearly and directly. As soon as the namaaz time has ended his wudhu needs to be renewed. 3. 1) The Hanafi evidence for wudhu to break is the following passage, which can be found in the Muwatta of Imam Muhammad (RA). 67-68 Maktabatul Bushra. The reason being, the amount of blood extracted has the power and ability to flow on its own. Student Darul Iftaa. If blood flows out of the wound, then the wudhu breaks. 114018. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Question:On an item of clothing one wears there are some bloodstains. If however, the shirt with the blood has been washed but the stain has remained (even after washing and drying), then it will be allowed to perform salaah with this. As such, it is not legally obligatory to cover them in the prayer or outside the prayer. if bt yb yq lf jw jh vw fb ft