Pathfinder nightmare creature

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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It uses its spell-like abilities to this end, for each creature it harms with its nightmares, drives temporarily insane with confusion or fear, or outright slays with Torpor, the Great Nightmare is a creature in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. A template is a set of rules that you apply to a monster to transform it into a different monster. “Ghost” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature that has a Charisma score of at least 6. Defensive Abilities: A nightmare creature adds Good to the requirements to overcome the damage reduction they gained from the Dreamborn template. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. 81-95. Here's the finished product. , DC 13) Defense Smoke (Su) In battle, a nightmare exhales smoke that chokes and blinds foes, filling a 15-foot cone each round as a free action. The affected creature can attempt a new saving throw once per day to end night terrors, but multiple attempts to rest in a given day do not afford the target multiple saves. You create an illusory image of a Large or smaller creature. There isn't, mostly because 2E doesn't include terrain in the stat block. This smoke acts as obscuring mist for the purposes of concealment. by AoN. In most cases, these fragments simply disperse on their own, but when dreamers flee from nightmares back to the waking world, these fragments can take on a supernatural life of their own. , low-light vision; Perception +9. 4 Nightmare is a creature race in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Improvising a curse reduces the cursing creature’s Charisma score by 2, and this decrease remains as long as the curse lasts; the cursing creature cannot dismiss Illusion ( Phantasm) [ Mind-Affecting, Evil] You send a hideous and unsettling phantasmal vision to a specific creature that you name or otherwise specifically designate. Random encounters Armag's Tomb City of Hollow Eyes Nightmare dragons are a species of esoteric dragon native to the elusive Dimension of Dreams. Nightmares are flaming harbingers of death. A nightmare creature automatically disbelieves illusions (no saving throw required) and has a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist illusion effects. This includes the Organization solitary or cabal (2–4) Treasure none. Recall Knowledge - Aberration ( Occultism): DC 18 Unspecific Lore: DC 16 Specific Lore: DC 13. An ethereal creature can see and hear on the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and ephemeral. Appearance. These are particularly intoxicating to the dragons, which hunt down the minds of the resurrected in the hope of preying on their dreams and consuming their souls. Nightmare dragons are especially drawn to mortals that died and were resurrected, as their dreams subconsciously recall fragments Elite Nightmare Rook Creature 21 Legacy Content Unique CE Gargantuan Beast Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. Undead. They are hideous in appearance, often looking like some sort of undead, but at heart they are cowardly scavengers. Hellfire shimmers in its hateful eyes. Prerequisites: Worshiper of Lamashtu. As an insubstantial creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures. Psychic Magic Description. Proficient with its natural weapons only unless humanoid in form (or capable of assuming humanoid form), in which case proficient with all simple weapons and This eerie horse-like creature’s skin is an inky blackness. A shadow creature’s CR increases by +1. You fill the creature's mind with a terrifying vision out of its nightmares. 4. 3,945 new last 24 Hours. Night hags are particularly well known to associate with nightmares. While sleeping, the target is protected against divinations such as nondetection and gains spell resistance equal to 10 + your caster level against mind-affecting effects. 216 XP 12,800 NE Huge outsider (evil, extraplanar) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft. Nightmare bats look like large, leathery birds of prey. Critical Failure The target is frightened 3. When a creature’s lucid body dies in a dreamscape under the great wyrm’s control, that creature’s material body also dies. They are completely featherless, exposing their unpleasant leathery flesh. Creating a Nightmare Creature. The save DC is Constitution-based. If you and the image are ever farther than 500 feet apart, the spell ends. A creature that begins its turn in the area becomes sickened 2 (DC 23 Fortitude negates) and is then temporarily immune sickness from the smoke for 1 minute. Swarm Subtype. The difficulty of the save depends on your knowledge the subject and the physical connection (if any) you have to that creature. Nightmare Skeletal Champion Archer is a creature in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. While most skeletons are mindless automatons, they still possess an evil cunning imparted to them by their animating force – a cunning that allows them to wield weapons and wear armor. Acquired/Inherited Template Acquired. School enchantment (compulsion) [ mind-affecting ]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9, summoner 6, witch 9; Domain charm 9. One such creature is the malfera, another is the diabolus. They allow only the most evil of creatures to ride them, and are never mere mounts, but rather willing partners in destruction. The cauchemar is a more dangerous variant of the nightmare, particularly valued for its Dream Legacy Content Source Bestiary 2 pg. Creating a Shadow Creature “Shadow creature” is an inherited template that can be added to any living creature, referred to hereafter as the base creature. CR 5 Alignment: LE Size: Large Special Abilities. 1; There is a more recent version of this item. Nightmare Steeds Nightmares allow only the evilest of creatures to ride them and are willing partners in destruction those creatures inflict. A shadow creature retains all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. Speed 40 feet, fly 90 feet. Fear Aura (Su) : All creatures within a 60-foot radius that see or hear a nightmare creature must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for as long as they are within the aura. With a name like this, is he part of somekind Nightmare Scars. The smoke does not obscure the nightmare’s vision Success The target is frightened 1. which would apply to nightmare. In Serbia, a mare is called mora, or noćnik/noćnica ('night creature', masculine and feminine respectively). Failure The target is frightened 2. While under the effects of this curse, whenever the target touches a coin of higher Nightmare bats are hideous scavenger creatures that serve the same role in Hell as vultures do on the material plane. All templates give precise directions on how to change a monster’s statistics to transform it into the new monster. Mora or Mara is one of the spirits from ancient Slav mythology, a dark one who becomes a beautiful woman to visit men in their dreams, torturing them with desire before killing them. Nightmare creatures have an unnatural link to the most terrifying parts of the Dimension of Dreams, allowing them to turn others’ dreams into nightmares and sow fear even in the waking world. Demons are living incarnations of sin—be they classic sins like wrath or gluttony, or more “specialized” depravities like an obsession with torture or the act of treason or treachery. ; Perception +22 Defense AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 24 (+2 Dex, +16 natural, –2 size) hp Divine Innate Spells DC 30; 7th ethereal jaunt (self and rider only), plane shift (self and rider only) Flaming Gallop [two-actions] (fire) As nightmare, but 6d6 fire damage and DC 30. Add the undead trait and optionally the mindless trait. 94 This ebony dragon with red frills appears terribly contorted and trails shadows. Usable with Summons Yes. The difficulty of the save depends The nightmare creature's caster level is equal to its total Hit Dice (or the caster level of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). Saving Throw DC 36 Fortitude; Onset 1 round; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 All 2E Monsters by Terrain (Spreadsheet) Game Master. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L. Skeletons are the animated bones of the dead, brought to unlife through foul magic. CR: 5; XP: 1,600; Size: Large; Type: Outsider Tags: evil, extraplanar; Initiative: +6; Senses: darkvision 60 ft. Oct 3, 2018 · flaming horse (possible minor spoiler?) So southeast of my Capital i found a place where i encountered a big horse engulfed in flames with the name reading something like "Torpor the mighty nightmare". 308 2. Description A nightmare rod is a wooden rod with a smooth, purple, crystalline octopus clutching one end, its tentacles wrapped around the length of the rod and its bulbous body serving as a sort of mace head. <br /><br /> If the target is unconscious when you Cast this Spell on it, it immediately wakes up before attempting In Croatian, mora refers to a 'nightmare'. So if it's less than 10 HD, it's just a Nightmare Creation. They hail from the depths of Abaddon allow only the most evil of creatures to ride them, and are never mere mounts, but rather willing partners in destruction. Corrupted by their power, they become evil and use their abilities Nightmare Spell 4 Legacy Content Illusion Mental Source Core Rulebook pg. Other disadvantage, or roll again twice. 3 7 These can be viewed from the Ethereal Plane, but can only be entered by those who possess the appropriate kind of esoteric magic. Creating a horror takes one minute of concentration to complete and the horror remains until dismissed by the nightmare constructor. 144. Creature templates. Hounds of Tindalos, dimensional shamblers, gugs, denizens of Leng and their spider enemies, moonbeasts, shantaks, nightgaunts, shoggoths, elder things, flying polyps, bholes, mi-go the list just keeps going on, and even includes some of the Great Charau-ka, Devotee of the Ravener King. Their featherless wings look Dream shield's main effect is the line you omitted right before that. The enormous greater nightmare is a more dangerous variety of nightmare, particularly valued for its ability to invade other realities with its rider. It actually states it, but it's a really weird way to do it. Acquired Templates: Some templates, like the lich, are the results of a creature’s choice and desire to Start Notification Service for new "nightmare creature" 3D Models. Benefit: You gain the kyton’s dancing chains ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 185), except you can control only up to two chains this way. CR: Same as the base creature +1. Nightmare Zombie Lord Spearman is a creature in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The target must attempt a Will save. Hello and welcome to the Archives of Nethys, the official home of the Pathfinder Second Edition system reference documents. 5,396,876 printable 3D Models. Heartstone (Su) All night hags carry a heartstone—a special gemstone worth at least 1,800 gp that is worn as a periapt. An ethereal creature is invisible, insubstantial, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down, albeit at half normal speed. I know some people won't need this, but I absolutely do. If it's mindless, add mental as well. Alignment: Any evil. Benefit: Mindless undead with total Hit Dice equal to or less than your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier are vulnerable to your class abilities, skills, and spells that cause the frightened, panicked, and shaken conditions. Nightmares are flaming equine harbingers of death. 2. Price 14,000 gp Nightmare Resurrection (Su): When an implacable stalker dies, it creates a psychic imprint on the mind of each intelligent creature within 60 feet that witnessed its death. The difficulty of the save depends In order for the nightmare to recover maneuvers, he must draw on the fear of his enemies by activating his frightful claim class feature; the nightmare recovers a single expended maneuver whenever he Claims a creature, and he recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his nightmare initiation modifier (minimum 2) whenever a creature he Light theme from beyond the crypt. 1. Fire spurts from its hair and nostrils, and its hooves spray sparks. Darkvision 60 feet and low-light vision. Most nightmare creatures were once aberrations, fey, humanoids, or outsiders. The Archives houses all of the rules from Player Core as well as every sourcebook that . So I compiled a list myself ! I'm sharing it in case anyone else wants to use it. Nightmare Appearance. Sabrewing Scythe Tree Sea Serpent, Fanged Shedu Skate Spider Swarm Roper, Stone Rust Monster, Rust Lord Stroke Lad Temporal Crawler Terra-Cotta Archer Thermite Queen Troll, Fire-Infused Troll, Rock Nightmare Creature. 96-100. School transmutation [curse]; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, cleric 3, inquisitor 2, investigator 2, magus 2, occultist 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 2. Price 1,400 gp. Still CR +1. But by forcing a creature into a state of sleep, terror, or both, the animate dream can gain a much more satisfying meal, feeding on the emotions released in such states. A swarm has a single pool of Hit Dice and hit points, a single initiative modifier, a single speed, and a single Armor Class. Prerequisites: Kyton subtype, 5 or more Hit Dice. , DC 13), frightful presence (30 ft. Crafter's Nightmare. HP 100; Resistances fire 10. Aura fear (60 ft. Feb 8, 2024 · Surrounding the Dreamlands' stable core is a foam of transient dreamscapes, each the dream of an individual sleeping mortal, constantly forming and evaporating when someone goes to sleep or awakens. While the most commonly encountered zombies are slow and tough, others possess a variety of traits, allowing them to spread disease or move with increased speed. Because of the smoke it gives off, a nightmare has concealment against creatures 5 feet away and total concealment against creatures 10 feet or farther away. This eerie horse-like creature’s skin is an inky blackness. 450 Variant roc Perception + 40; low-light vision Languages Aklo, Common, Sylvan Skills Acrobatics + 36, Athletics + 40, Deception + 37, Intimidation + 37 Str +10, Dex +6, Con +6, Int +5, Wis +8, Cha +5 Death’s Nightmare (Technique) Even the mindless dead fear your coming. There they disturb the dreams of sleeping mortals with nightmares and collude with night hags to collect their souls. 7. Add the Necril language if it isn't mindless. Every time a creature in the affected area attempts a Craft or Profession check to generate income, create an item, or earn capital (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 85), any A nightmare constructor is able to form a creature created from distilled fears and nightmares. When a sinful mortal soul is judged and sent on to the Abyss, it can become a deadly fiend—a demon. 0 Traditions arcane, occult Deities Lamashtu, Nyarlathotep (Haunter in the Dark) Cast 10 minutes (material, somatic, verbal) Range planetary; Targets 1 creature you know by name Saving Throw Will; Duration 1 day IM 43 Nightmare creatures are life forms that live in the Demiplane of Nightmares- a space comprised of the third, fourth, and fifth dimension of Nightmare- and perceive the five dimensions in a way exactly opposite to the human viewpoint. Being Chased: The dreamer is being stalked or chased by something. A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. well, with a lvl 10 group (nok-nok helped alot) he was beaten rather easy. The cauchemar is a more dangerous Simple Templates. A friend and I were working on putting some material together, possibly for Pathfinder Infinite. Once formed, a demon’s driving goals are A nightmare rod appears as a simple wooded rod with a purple octopus grasping the end, with its tentacles wrapping along a good portion of the rod. Click here to view. Add the following immunities: death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious. The nightmare leaves the subject fatigued and unable to regain arcane spells for the next 24 hours. You temporarily curse a creature so its touch lessens the value of coins it touches. Beings normally found on the Prime and other A nightmare creature uses its ability to control dreams to confuse and frighten its target with horrendous imagery—visions of failure or betrayal and horrific scenes of murder and death. Anyone in the cone must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sickened until 1d6 minutes after leaving the area. Ghost (CR +2) Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. You send a hideous and unsettling phantasmal vision to a specific creature that you name or otherwise specifically designate. When a creature dreams, regardless of the location of their physical body, they interact directly with the Dreamlands. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Handle Animal checks to affect the attitudes of magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, and worshipers of Lamashtu List of all Pathfinder creature templates (with type and requirements) I was recently looking for the creature templates listed on d20pfsrd, and I found that it wasn't very convenient to navigate. Nightmare Ettercap CR 4. It's other powers include affecting a Nightmare Chains. A swarm is a collection of Fine, Diminutive, or Tiny creatures that acts as a single creature. Zombies are unthinking automatons, and can do The sleeper suffers tormenting dreams and takes 1 point of Constitution drain upon awakening. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Here you can find all the rules, character options, and monsters needed to play the Remastered version of Pathfinder Second Edition. A swarm has the characteristics of its type, except as noted here. It generates the appropriate sounds, smells, and feels believable to the touch. Waking Nightmare [two-actions] Focus 1 Uncommon, Cleric, Concentrate, Emotion, Focus, Fear, Manipulate, Mental Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature Saving Throw Will; Duration varies You fill the creature’s mind with a terrifying vision. The most powerful being in Leng, perhaps its ruler, is the mysterious yellow-clad High-Priest Not To Be Described, who presides over the plateau's culture of blood sacrifice. NE Medium aberration. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1. 63 Aura strong illusion CL 13th Slot none; Price 80,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs. When used as such, its most effective strikes stagger the victim due to its mind being filled with nightmare-like visions. but it makes me wonder. Dragon (Esoteric, Nightmare) Source Bestiary 5 pg. Melee [one-action] jaws +16 (evil, magical This category has only the following subcategory. Because that text is there but there's no scaling CR, it's Nightmare bats are hideous scavenger creatures that serve the same role in Hell as vultures do on Golarion. Smoke (Su) In battle, a nightmare exhales smoke that chokes and blinds foes, filling a 15-foot cone each round as a free action. Let me know what you think! Endless Nightmare (curse, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental, occult) An animate dream’s touch fills the victim’s mind with terrifying visions; Saving Throw DC 26 Fortitude; Stage 1 fatigued (1 day); Stage 2 fatigued and stupefied 1 (1 day); Stage 3 The victim falls asleep and can’t be awakened as long as they remain at this stage (1 day). Either employ the chase rules or adjudicate the stalking creature’s threat in some other way. Nightmare Talons (Su) The claw attacks of adult or older nightmare dragons are considered keen weapons. Each week, such creatures are subject to a nightmare effect (DC = 10 + 1/2 the implacable stalker’s Hit Dice + the implacable stalker’s Charisma modifier; the normal Aristocrat’s Nightmare. Web Lurker. Sleeping creatures cast themselves into the plane in idealized avatars known Nightmare (Advanced) Oliphant Ooze, Id Ooze, Glacial Ooze, Metallic Orcish Warclops Pyrolisk Quasi-Elemental, Lightning (Medium) Renzer Russet Mold. Simple Template No. DESCRIPTION. humanoid (charau-ka) warm forests. The image can't speak, but you can use your actions to speak through the creature, with the spell disguising your Nightmare is an enemy in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Zombies are the animated corpses of dead creatures, forced into foul unlife via necromantic magic like animate dead. since 2013. The difficulty of the save depends Ettercap traps can be found on page 129 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. 8 This sort of magic is unreliable, aiding access instead of The cone lasts 1 round, and the nightmare uses it once as a free action during its turn each round. Feb 7, 2024 · Scarlet walkers also lurk in the mountains, feeding on living creatures. Web lurkers, known also as ettercaps, are ugly monsters that not only dwell within the lairs of spiders and swarms, but actively cultivate and shepherd such vermin. A ghost retains all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. 79, Treasure Vault pg. The nightmare continually exhales black smoke that creates concealment in an aura around it. The cauchemar is a more Nightmare, Cauchemar This towering, burning equine stands upon smoking hooves. AC: 19, touch 11, flat-footed 17 Apr 7, 2024 · Nightmare dragons are especially drawn to mortals that died and were resurrected, as their dreams subconsciously recall fragments of their brief encounter with eternity. XP 1,200. Aura: An unholy creature gains the following. Init +9; Senses darkvision 120 ft. Chains are a kyton’s inheritance and dominion. Nightmare Rod Source Pathfinder #65: Into the Nightmare Rift pg. "Nightmare creature" is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature with Intelligence and Charisma scores of at least 6 (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A couple days ago, I asked whether there was a resource that categorized all the 2E monsters by terrain. Pathfinder explicitly includes many creatures from the Cthulhu Mythos as part of its settings. The smoke persists for 1 round. Sort of noticeable for having a travel version of Gate at 11 HD (Nightmare creatures get Plane Shift instead, so it's a wash). A dragon possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry). Extra Contrast. The nightmare, its rider, any creature Fey creature ‎ (1 C, 4 P) Fiendish creature ‎ (1 C, 1 P) First World (template) ‎ (1 C) Fungal creature ‎ (1 C, 1 P) Created and sustained by the collective dreams of sleeping mortals, the Dreamlands (also called the Dimension of Dreams) overlays the Ethereal Plane. Nightmares and their riders can see through this smoke. The cauchemar is a more dangerous variant of 66-80. AC 24; Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +12. 158,816 Lists 716,877 saved Models An animate dream coalesces from centuries of stray fragments of reverie and dream left behind as slumbering minds drift through the Dimension of Dreams. Unable to move. Type: An unholy creature gains the evil subtype. You concentrate feelings of competitiveness, envy, and ill will into a poltergeist-like haunt that wreaks havoc on its victim’s long-term endeavors. Legacy Content. Simple templates can be applied during the game with minimal effort. Others include the draconic monstrosities called shantaks and the infamous hounds of Tindalos. Nightmare Salt Item 20 This Item may contain spoilers from the Age of Ashes Adventure Path Legacy Content Rare Alchemical Consumable Ingested Poison Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. This makes it easy, for example, to deal with celestial and fiendish creatures conjured in the heat of battle by summon monster spells. When it graduates to 10 HD, it gains abit of a bonus. The nightmare prevents restful sleep and causes 1d10 points of damage. The thing should be difficult (or impossible) to defeat in combat, but possible to escape. One of the many families of true dragons, the following group of five includes distantly related creatures that either live in the far-flung corners of the Esoteric Planes or deal with obscure matters on the Material Plane. So I decided to do it myself. Senses: An unholy creature has darkvision +60 ft. Activate [one-action] Interact. Demon. Creatures with a curse ability, as well as some creatures closely associated with curses (such as angels, fey, hags, and undead), can curse a target without meeting this requirement. Prerequisite: Cha 14. Charau-ka, Jungle Trickster. A great wyrm nightmare dragon can utterly control any dreamscape it enters, shaping it to its will. 354 4. Charau-ka, Simian Sharpshooter. 70 1. Lavender. Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. An owb is a sinister visitor from the Shadow Plane, a creature resembling a humanoid torso draped in darkness. A creature that successfully saves against night terrors ends the spell and rests normally that night but gains the benefits of only that night’s rest, not any benefits Dominate Monster. Target one creature. Cauchemar CR 11 Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. All simple templates have two categories of changes. But by forcing a creature into a state of sleep, terror, or both, the animate dream can gain a much more satisfying meal Nightmare Ettercap. An unholy creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. The rod can be used as a mace. If the base creature has 10 or more Hit Dice, it instead becomes a nightmare lord (see below). Purportedly sourced from any number of outlandish locales, nightmare vapor is most often created by boiling the sweat collected from humanoids caught in the throes of terrible nightmares. Description. This creature is a reanimated corpse. 8. After a nightmare I had, I was inspired to create this monster, possibly as the basis for a future fungal monster template. This spell functions like dominate person, except that the spell is not restricted by creature type. Appearance Monster Templates. Nightmare creatures have an unnatural link to the most terrifying parts of the Dimension of Dreams, allowing them to turn others' dreams into nightmares and sow fear even in the waking world. Table. A nightmare creature may even allow the target to think it is in control of the dream or has awakened from a nightmare, only to snatch away that hope and The nightmare, its rider, any creature currently holding its breath (or that does not need to breathe), and any creature immune to poison are immune to the aura’s sickened effect but not the concealment. You bear scars in honor of Lamashtu, whether because you injured yourself in her name or because she saw fit to bless you with them. This grants you two chain attacks, which deal damage as per a spiked chain made for a Undead Adjustments. The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. Alien in nature, this mysterious shade never speaks audible words, but it constantly uses its telepathy to project mumbles of curses and threats into the minds of those it encounters. Pathfinder facts. They are completely featherless, exposing their Aug 20, 2016 · Senses: A nightmare creature gains darkvision 120 feet. Unable to speak. 0 Creatures native to the Dimension of Dreams can be any alignment and possess a diverse array of abilities, although those associated with the nightmare realm of Leng are almost always evil and immune to that realm’s freezing temperatures. This horror functions as a summoner’s eidolon using the nightmare constructor’s class level as the summoner level May 11, 2015 · A Nightmare Creature gets more thematic powers and somewhat better attributes for CR +1 - and given how much Pathfinder loves CR +2 undead templates, you can fill in the blanks that way. This strange humanoid looks like a gangly, distorted caricature of an ettercap, with spiderlike fingers and an enormous wicked grin. Link to the spreadsheet. Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects. Nightmare creature/Inhabitants ‎ (2 P) Categories: Inhabitants. An animate dream can find satisfaction and sustenance by passing one of its ghostly limbs through a mortal’s body—the act infusing the mortal with negative energy that sates the animate dream’s unnatural hunger. Only another ethereal being can stop these nocturnal intrusions by confronting and defeating the night hag. zt oh xe wv pd us fz wo tn ha