Weak self dispatchqueue main async. current)") DispatchQueue.

Weak self dispatchqueue main async DispatchQueue. If you're on a background thread and want to execute code on the main thread, you need to call async() again. now() + 3 DispatchQueue. global(qos: . async 的主要用途是当您在后台队列上运行代码并且需要在主队列上执行特定的代码块时. reloadData() } No, you don’t actually need to use weak reference to self in this case. asyncAfter:. main is an instance of DispatchQueue. notify(queue: DispatchQueue. It’s generally good practice to use [weak self] or [unowned self], breaking any potential retain cycles. view. global() default qos is userInitiated. Feb 11, 2022 · In a lot of cases, the new async model will work out what thread is best suited to execute a task, if your task has access to Guide objects, the compiler/runtime will choose to run the entire task in the main thread, if you have other things you want to run in the main thread, you can use @ MainActor, but the more stuff you force in the main Jul 15, 2021 · import Foundation import Combine import Network final class CombineNetworkMonitor { static let shared = CombineNetworkMonitor() private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "CombineNetworkMonitorQueue") private let monitor: NWPathMonitor public private(set) var connectivityStatus = PassthroughSubject<ConnectivityStatus, Never>() private init() { monitor = NWPathMonitor() } // Starts monitoring Dec 26, 2022 · The title of your question says, DispatchQueue. We can fix it like this: Repeating [weak self] is not an issue and will make code more robust to possible changes in the future. May 31, 2017 · When you do dispatch_async to a main thread, your block { self. current)") } } DispatchQueue. asyncAfter(deadline: . Plus we shouldn’t forget to use weak or unowned self, otherwise object is going to be retained. scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 2. Mar 4, 2024 · Apple introduced async-await as part of the structured concurrency in WWDC 2021, before that, people usually leveraged completion handlers to perform network requests and pass data models back to view models, to populate the UI on the view. sync { } To get one of the background thread. callbackQueue. This should code should result in a passing test: var cats = [Cat]() { didSet { DispatchQueue. reload() } This code looks simple enough, right? But what's really going on here? DispatchQueue. I tried to access using [weak self] but it failed to call the instance method when self is nil. Dec 8, 2022 · Here is a simpler example with a Timer instead of a DispatchQueue. Click again to stop watching or visit your profile to manage watched threads and notifications. scrollView. Something like this, to avoid confusion I'd recommend to rename the incoming users and the code to reload the table view must be inside the closure Oct 23, 2016 · DispatchQueue. estimatedSolarkWh is 0, value never gets transferred to the current class scope, UI update fails, even after DispatchQueue. main . async feel more like part of the language, reduce syntactic overhead and ease the creation of domain-specific languages. doOldClosureBasedThing() // using our wrapper for now await presenter. g. main. , animations or UI updates Dec 3, 2019 · The following code is an example of reloading a table view on the main queue. animate you don't have to worry about weak self. So how do we migrate the good old completion handler approach to the new fancy async-await way? Aug 20, 2021 · 2 [weak self] func takePhoto() { AVCaptureDevice. async で囲うようになったのではないでしょうか。 Swift Concurrencyの登場による非同期処理の変化. manufacturer) }) } init(model: String, manufacturer: String) { self. – May 14, 2019 · Swift May 14, 2019 Aug 14, 2020 • 7 min read Weak self and unowned self explained in Swift. locationServicesEnabled() { // Do something } } Jun 24, 2019 · Ví dụ 1 số trường hợp không dùng [weak self] Khi gọi self trong closure của DispatchQueue. The only real differential is that the RunLoop call ends up being executed in a different spot in the RunLoop callouts whereas the DispatchQueue variant will Dec 28, 2024 · DispatchQueue. async { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } self. current)") DispatchQueue. As Rob mentioned , DispatchQueue. 5から言語機能としてSwift Concurrencyが導入されました。 Sep 27, 2021 · DispatchQueue. saveTransaction() DispatchQueue. Nov 19, 2023 · During development, data security in concurrent access is very important. async, or if you create a custom queue. count Oct 29, 2020 · The thing that you are trying to describe — "Do this, but only if you are not told to do it again any time in the next 2 seconds" — has a name. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. async and DispatchQueue. async { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } DispatchQueue. async. Jun 16, 2021 · When dealing with CoreData, NSFetchedResultsController and Diffable Data Source, I always notice that I need to apply DispatchQueue. async { // 3. setNeedsLayout() } But if I don't explicitly write 'self. It has a for-loop that calls a function that downloads content Nov 21, 2017 · ##概要. async { } Xcode 8. I have been using DispatchQueue. async to the first line of loadLevel(). There's documentation on trailing closure syntax here . updateUI() // automatically isolated to main actor } func doSomethingWithOldClass() async { await oldClass. I want to test that a tableView call to reloadData is executed on the main queue. onModelChange = { [weak self] in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } strongSelf. Since viewDidLoad method is already being executed by the main run loop, your dispatched block with be processed after viewDidLoad and all other (possible) blocks or methods that were scheduled before your block will be executed. Once executed, the strong reference is typically released, breaking the cycle. async closure and the services method getData closure. async { if self. async { print("回到主线程: \(Thread. Note, the above syntax of adding seconds as a Double seems to be a source of confusion (esp since we were accustomed to adding nsec). video) { [weak self] response in DispatchQueue. async is when you have code running on a background queue and you need a specific block of code to be executed on the main queue. detectObjects() } In Objective C? Thanks. concurrent) let getCVPDispatchGroup = DispatchGroup() var resultDictionary = dataIDToSRLParticleDictionary() getCVPDispatchQueue. async { } Get main queue synchronously. now() + 5. async { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } view. myApp. async { [weak self] in var clueString = "" var solutionString = "" var letterBits = [String]() // 2. You then hold a strong reference of self to avoid it being allocated during the block is running. Jan 22, 2020 · 小ネタです。UI更新処理ってメインスレッドでやらないといけないので、DispatchQueue. syncAppearance(config) } } Hmm, does this code change any behaviour? as the original code DispatchQueue. You probably should pick a tech stack and stick with it. To solve this, you can dispatch the work to the main thread inside the service completion closure: service. textLabel. await MainActor. That “add seconds as Double” syntax works because deadline is a DispatchTime and, behind the scenes, there is a + operator that will take a Double and add that many seconds to the DispatchTime: Dec 6, 2016 · The delay I am testing with is 60 seconds. May 4, 2016 · I am working on show image from url async. , by starting your function with guard let self = self else { return } Jun 22, 2021 · In many cases I call DispatchQueue’s async method: Such callbacks lead to “nesting”. main Jul 2, 2019 · DispatchQueue. updateUI() // automatically isolated to main actor } func justUpdateTheView Mar 2, 2013 · // // We are on the main thread here. async, DispatchQueue. Feb 24, 2014 · dispatch_async(non_main_queue, ^{ // do something dispatch(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [strongUIKitPointer self]; // note: self is a method, too - doing nothing }); }); In your scenario though, the last strong reference could be only in the block which executes on the main thread. model = model self. Aug 5, 2017 · dispatchGroup. dataFetcher. text = text } } But… Nov 6, 2024 · When using DispatchQueue. async { [weak self] in if let self = self { self. scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 8, repeats: false) { _ in // if you reference `self` in this block, make sure to include `[weak self]` capture list, too // do something } } func invalidate() { timer?. async {// Delay DispatchQueue. If (a) the closure did reference self; and (b) you didn't want the view controller retained while the asynchronous request was being processed, you should use [weak self], not [unowned self]. All dispatch queues can schedule their work to be executed sync or async. asyncAfter(deadline: when) { [weak self] in self?. async { [weak self] in self?. xyz”)! public var queue = dispatch_get_main_queue() dispatch_async(queue) { [weak self] in. In your code, viewDidLoad is already running on the main queue so there is little reason to use DispatchQueue. Weak self and unowned self in Swift for many of us are hard to understand. Besides mocking the main queue, are there other ways to make the test more stable? Update. I don't know what else to try. asyncAfter, as the closure will be executed at some point. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little overview of the situations where it makes sense, or not, to use [weak self] inside a closure! Jan 10, 2019 · private var myVar = 0 { didSet { DispatchQueue. Task { [weak self] in if await self?. Therefore whether or not you weakly capture self, you won't be creating a permanent retain cycle (assuming that tickle. utility). productImage)!) var image:UIImage? Jun 6, 2018 · The primary use of DispatchQueue. Dec 13, 2017 · Best practice in this case, you must use weak self instead of strong self to avoid memory leak or safely access. This mechanism ensures resources are utilized efficiently during the execution of short-lived tasks. Can anyone clarify this is alright or is this overkill? Apr 19, 2021 · Writing [self] is same as leaving the closure as it is meaning it could cause retain cycle unlike [weak self], BTW no need for any of them with DispatchQueue. // The following will schedule the closure on the main thread after ALL other // routines currently scheduled on the main thread are done. run { … } That is roughly analogous to the dispatching to the main queue. text = "Done" } } } It is worth noting that one generally doesn’t dispatch network requests to a global queue because networking libraries like URLSession , Alamofire, etc. 0) { [weak self] in self?. I've seen various articles about this with various opinions, some say that in static methods like this or UIView. userInteractive: Maximum priority, used for tasks that the user is actively interacting with and require immediate completion (e. scheduledTimer calls closure after 60 seconds, DispatchQueue. async {[weak self] in …… }の中に書く May 21, 2020 · You said: I know when we use . async { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } // Perform your work here // // Switch back to the main queue to // update your UI DispatchQueue. After swift 3. async { // Run UI Updates } } Aug 5, 2020 · Here is a possible approach (tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14) but if you intend to use UIKit features heavily it is better to use UIKit Life-Cycle, as it gives more flexibility to configure UIKit part. async { // weak inherited // update UI with data } } Share Improve this answer Jun 13, 2021 · One challenge when it comes to concurrency on Apple’s platforms is that an app’s UI can, for the most part, only be updated on the main thread. asyncAfter would capture the thread in order to make the UI change to happend. calendarArray = self. Etc. async() to stop working. viewModel. Move DispatchQueue. Jul 17, 2023 · Because if you unwrap it outside the loop, then the closure will always be retaining a strong reference to self, and it will negate the effect of having used [weak self] 🙃. For some reason, AppNap does not affect delays when you use sleep() Nov 3, 2018 · class ImageCell: UICollectionViewCell { @IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView! func lazyLoadImage(from url: URL) { DispatchQueue. So, whenever we’re performing any kind of work on a background thread (either directly or indirectly), then we always have to make sure to jump back to the main queue before accessing any property, method, or function that has to do with rendering Mar 2, 2023 · If your question is whether there is some reason why, when using Swift concurrency, that you wouldn’t just use the main actor for UI updates, the answer is no, not really. tableView. async { [weak self] in. Apr 7, 2017 · I am accessing instance method inside closure in swift, self reference become nil in some cases which result crash my program. 0, repeats: false) { timer in completeTask() } if !isDeleting { timer. func asyncLoadImg(product:Product,imageView:UIImageView){ let downloadQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com. async to do the actual work on some other queue. , drawing, etc. async { [weak self] in tableView. function2() // Also async, dependent on the result of function1. processdownload", nil) dispatch_async(downloadQueue){ let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(string: product. async { if let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: url. let getCVPDispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "blarg", qos: . Swift 5. 0) { [unowned self] in self. async to do work, for practical purposes they are nearly isomorphic. main を例にしてクイズ・解説をしたいと思います。 Jun 4, 2020 · The test passes, but the production service completes in a background queue, and the UI needs to be updated in the main queue. async { // do here your loading, fetching the data etc self. invalidate() } } completeTask: Jan 31, 2018 · Explanation: you are already on the main thread, dispatching the task on the main thread asynchronously will just enqueue that task to the main thread, so that it will get executed not right now, but when the current tasks will end (e. I wrote a MacOS single view app. main) { [weak self] in guard let strongSelf = self else Nov 21, 2021 · FWIW, in addition to the @MainActor pattern shown above (as a replacement for dispatching to the main queue), you can also do:. asyncAfter after 66 seconds. load { [weak self] text in DispatchQueue. async in my ViewController and I'm not sure about using weak self. f1() // No more self?. manufacturer = manufacturer } deinit { print("Deallocated Device Jul 30, 2024 · In this example, self will be retained by the DispatchQueue. global() in viewDidLoad(), like this: Apr 1, 2022 · func doSomethingWithNewClass() async { await newClass. toggle() let timer = Timer. async for code update UI only :) func updateUILabel(callback :(NSDictionary?) -> Void ){ // create post request let url = URL(string: "https:anyserver. default) // original QoS: default; queue QoS Apr 23, 2023 · Basically opting out of Swift concurrency altogether and falling back on DispatchQueue. main as a Scheduler ends up calling RunLoop. Its implementation might look like: class ResponseTimer { private weak var timer: Timer? func schedule() { timer = Timer. Nonetheless, weak capture lists are useful. async {self. One of the most common places where you’ll use escaping closures is in asynchronous tasks, such as network requests. (xCode 12. Thank you. So self will live until the async block is executed and disposed by DispatchQueue Dec 16, 2023 · getWeatherFromAPIメソッドをModel側のファイルに切り出す際、DispatchQueue. async { // Background Thread DispatchQueue. getRSSFeed(withURL: NSLocalizedString("CALENDAR", comment: ""), andIsAnEvent: false) as! [Feed] } doesn't make sense. 0. async, the block captures a strong reference to self while queued. Dec 29, 2018 · monthlyAckW has the right value after completion handler returns. image = image } } } } I appreciate your help. requestAccess(for: AVMediaType. Plus we shouldn’t forget to use weak or unowned self, otherwise object is going to be retained Sep 8, 2017 · What is the equivalent of the Swift code: DispatchQueue. sync(excute:) はメインスレッドで実行するとデッドロックのためにクラッシュしたりと、基本的には使わないはずなので、このユースケースの置き換えはあまりないかもしれません。 Dec 13, 2020 · api. Oct 8, 2021 · So I think I figured it out. sync, and both are performed on the Sep 29, 2020 · @IBAction func doneButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) { DispatchQueue. asyncAfter execution block does not wait to execute. And, second, if he did, and the view controller was dismissed, his code would crash. For instance, Before applying DispatchQueue. syncAppearance it wouldn't call syncAppearance anyway if self is nil? May 6, 2021 · When it comes to calling completion handlers for asynchronous operations, the established convention within the Apple developer community has for long been to simply continue executing on whatever DispatchQueue that the operation itself (or at least its final part) was performed on. path) { self. async { } directly does not result in capturing self and therefore can be used …and replace it with this new code, bearing in mind again the need for self. Specifically, in the absence of the weak reference to self, the closure will keep a strong reference to self until the asynchronous process finishes. dispatchGroup. Mar 25, 2022 · Weak Self in SwiftUI 500 seconds problem is this is Strong reference // This is not a efficient DispatchQueue. asyncAfter. doAsyncAwaitThing() await presenter. Yes, we often dispatch asynchronously to a background queue to avoid blocking the main thread. load() DispatchQueue. Sep 17, 2020 · Just by a dispatchqueue being fired and not activated is something strange and NOT DEBUGABLE. scrollToViewAtIndex(nextItem(), animated: true) } Jun 14, 2016 · Get main queue asynchronously. imageView. Oct 3, 2024 · I'm not sure whether the flakiness comes from DispatchQueue. reloadData() } I generally do it like this. main) { [weak self] in guard let strongSelf = self else {return} strongSelf. Swift provides both DispatchQueue. main calls DispatchQueue. If using Swift concurrency, use the main actor. Jun 12, 2017 · If you do this it should only hold a weak link and therefore when the owning view controller is destroyed it won't cause an error: let when = DispatchTime. onTapGesture { isDeleting. async I should use [weak self]? – h. async { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } Or, it is redundant to do so for the above case, and single [weak self] will be sufficient? Single [weak self] DispatchQueue. async { // do here ui works, because user doesn't want to wait for touching etc so it has to be asp self. func doSomething() { DispatchQueue. In WWDC 202 I could be misunderstanding your answer, but are you saying that if I use DispatchQueue. concurrentPerform(iterations: self. global(). syncAppearance(config) } have optional chaining in self?. And use DispatchQueue. MacOS was putting my app into AppNap after a certain period of time which would cause the DispatchQueue. ). 1 (12A7300)). e. You would be much better off scheduling it on the main runloop and then using DispatchQueue. Jun 23, 2019 · RunLoop. background) might not run. Below is my image fetcher logic class ImageFetcher { /// Thread safe cache that stores `UIImage`s against 作者自己在书中也说上述代码属于试验性质,因此尽管完全胜任Store的工作,但是从逻辑组织上还是比较复杂,尤其对于每个Command的处理十分的繁琐。 @mattsven - Good catch. background). async to execute the task we won't block the main thread. Every dispatch queue has an async method that schedules a chunk of work that's in the closure it receives to be executed at a later time Oct 27, 2020 · Let me start off by saying, I have no idea, but I have an idea for you to test. Unfortunately, you can't use [weak item] or [unowned item] patterns when instantiating the DispatchWorkItem (the typical method for resolving strong reference cycles), so you have to manually nil the item at the end of the closure like I have in the revised answer. doSomething() } DispatchQueue. In this article, I will show you how to create a thread-safe property using the @SynchronizedLock property wrapper. This time, however, you do it on DispatchQueue. h Commented May 29, 2019 at 18:12 Apr 3, 2022 · The [weak self] is not required. Jun 22, 2021 · In many cases I call DispatchQueue’s async method: Such callbacks lead to “nesting”. some heavy code in background queue DispatchQueue. 在您的代码中,viewDidLoad已经在主队列上运行,因此没有理由使用 DispatchQueue. dataArray. But isn't necessarily wrong to use it. You use the global queue to run things in the background and the main queue to update the UI. async { // // So here we are back on the main thread AFTER all routines on the main // thread have completed. I have tried to create a new thread for download image and then refresh on main thread. async { print("异步做某事: \(Thread. if let self { DispatchQueue. manufacturer = "hello world" print(self. Aug 31, 2020 · Understanding DispatchQueue. hence the questions to check if more people have similar issues. 循環参照回避などでよく使われる。 kotlin(というかJavaだと)WeakReferenceが近いかも思います。 kotlinとswiftを比較した時に、[weak self]はswift特有だと思ったのと、使い所を自分でも再確認したかったため、今日発表してみようと思った Feb 9, 2018 · First, he doesn't reference self anywhere in there so it's unnecessary. . async { in self. dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } } Sep 28, 2022 · もっとも DispatchQueue. 但这确实改变了执行顺序。 如示例三: Mar 9, 2019 · There are a few approaches: invalidate a Timer in deinit. enter() strongSelf. setNeedsLayout() } Apr 18, 2018 · DispatchQueue. async { self. func load() async {do {let accounts = try await loader. Timer. doSomething() } It's worth mentioning that if you're not using a deadline, but calling . A subreddit to discuss, share articles, code samples, open source projects and anything else related to iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, or visionOS development. public var callbackQueue = DispatchQueue. to make our capturing clear: DispatchQueue. async thì retain count của self sẽ tăng lên thêm 1 và sẽ được giảm xuống khi closure này được chạy xong(bị huỷ). fresh also doesn't). async for a long time to perform UI related operations. contains leave() strongSelf. 2 beta 2: To get one of the background thread Oct 3, 2024 · Real-World Example: Escaping Closures with Asynchronous Code. You are telling the compiler that:"First get me the main thread, then fetch the data in a background thread!!!", which obviously is not gonna update the array or UI. async Oct 28, 2019 · A kind of more accurate approach, in order to explain "why asyncAfter works instead of just async" would be that DispatchQueue. You're absolutely right. Regardless of whether you're using DispatchQueue. But the assigned value to self?. func loadLevel() { DispatchQueue. recordLabel. label. 但是使用它不一定是错误的. Every DispatchQueue instance has an async method. invalidate Sep 7, 2021 · I am using DispatchQueue. now() + 10, execute: { //[weak self] in //guard let `self` = self else { return } self. Although Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) solved a lot for us already, we still need to manage references when we’re not working with valu Sep 21, 2022 · Wrap the CLLocationManager call in an async function. myVar > 0 { } } } } Note that, even if your reference to the object becomes zero, a reference to self will still exist until the async closure is disposed. and. async { [weak self] in // Update the view if it’s still around, but don’t if not self?. asyncはメインスレッドで行われる処理であるので、ViewController側のファイルに書きたい! May 20, 2018 · weak you then need to take care of its reference count issues. Another variation of testing for main-thread execution also exhibits flakiness. async {as GCD queues don't hold a strong reference to self Jun 15, 2014 · I'd like to load an image from a URL in my application, so I first tried with Objective-C and it worked, however, with Swift, I've a compilation error: 'imageWithData' is unavailable: use object Feb 24, 2020 · この記事は何? クロージャにおいて [weak self] は本当に必要なのか? 実際のところケースバイケースですが、今回は DispatchQueue. The difference is that [weak self] makes self an optional you need to unwrap, i. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. The six second delay is consequent, if I schedule two delays of 60 seconds the second delay is called after 132 seconds using DispatchQueue. Oct 27, 2022 · A few unrelated and stylistic recommendations, which I integrated in the above: I did not make this static, as we generally want our extensions to be as flexible as possible. ' before accessing 'view' would closure keep strong reference to self? DispatchQueue. Sep 28, 2024 · You’re now watching this thread. secondSelector() } gets scheduled to a main run loop. text = "New articles available!" } } There are two key points you should take away from the above code sample. perform whereas DispatchQueue. async How to fix this please? Apr 5, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Nov 5, 2024 · DispatchQueue. Jun 26, 2024 · おそらく多くの開発者はUI更新処理をすべて DispatchQueue. There is no persistent strong reference cycle here. First of all, note that you generally don't need to worry about retain cycles with DispatchQueue. // DispatchQueue. reloadData() } Dec 9, 2024 · Other QoS Levels (Quality of Service):. func locationServicesEnabled() async -> Bool { CLLocationManager. main, which is the main thread, rather than one of the global quality of service queues. – rickrvo Commented Sep 17, 2020 at 14:24 May 24, 2021 · I want to load the following GUI in SwiftUI: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @ObservedObject var test = Test() @ObservedObject var healthStore = HealthStore() Dec 6, 2020 · I am writing a custom image fetcher to fetch the images needed for my collection view. Conclusion. Using [weak self] in these traditional escaping closure patterns still has utility. reloadData() } } } This code should result in a failing test: This is the Swift version of David's Objective-C answer. reloadData() } To stop showError() being called regardless of the result of our fetch call, we need to move it inside the call to DispatchQueue. userInitiated, attributes: . If you’ve opted in to email or web notifications, you’ll be notified when there’s activity. If using GCD, use DispatchQueue. push UI code back to main thread } } } Apr 11, 2017 · This is done in order to make higher-order functions such as DispatchQueue. The websocket code is running on a background thread. Consider: examineQoS(qos: . Aug 6, 2019 · In this specific case, allowing self to be strong would create a cycle because every time the block fires it reschedules itself, so weak is doing its job here (but agree that DispatchSourceTimer is probably the right tool). [weak self] -> in Mar 13, 2019 · I would not set up a run loop just to run an NSTimer. , already perform their request asynchronously. 一个对象,用于在应用程序的主线程或后台线程上串行或并发地管理任务的执行。 Dec 8, 2020 · DispatchQueue closures don't cause retain cycles so capture lists are not necessary. accounts Jan 1, 2021 · In this context, where tableView is a property of self, should one instead ensure weak self is captured like this: DispatchQueue. fetchData { [weak self] data in // do something with self DispatchQueue. async { self?. As a broad rule, I use the highest-level tool that meets the need. locationServicesEnabled() } Then update the places where you use this function accordingly. Jun 21, 2020 · 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你 Aug 4, 2017 · I'm going to try helping you according to your questions: Question 1) There are many right ways and each developer can have its own logic, but in this case, what I personally would probably do is something like this: Oct 5, 2020 · My DispatchQueue. hqkk wzxlg zce nzbsp yeamp ayxwr wwlsgrl upxcu mxeqlvp uegod