40k fleet sizes The main attraction of 40k is the The Black Templars, Dark Angels, Ultramarines and one or two others have a Gloriana class battleship that was their Legion's flagship, (so twice or more the size of your bog standard battle barge), and there's also the Rock and the Phalanx that are continent sized mobile fortress monastery/battlestations, and at least as powerful as any other Space Marine fleet in their own Sure, 40K ship and an aircraft carrier are not exactly the same shape, but close enough for ballpark estimates. Flanking it, at lateral anchor marks, eighteen fleet barges, each one the size of a city, gleam like silver-blue blades. " —Commander Puretide on the art of aerial warfare The T'au Protection Their fleet size was said to be mid-sized so going by given figures of other legions, something like 200ish capital ships and maybe like 500-600 escorts would be a good guess. As we've been told that the Imperium of Man is 'a million' worlds, and from the sector sizes it looks as if the ship:world ratio is something like 1:1, maybe a bit less, I think a After several delays, the Fleet finally got underway as other Fleets had already earned much glory for themselves. For every battleship, there was at least one cruiser (though usually more) and three or four destroyers. also remember that astartes are made for boarding and planetary assaults in 40k, not long range ship to ship combat, that is done by the navy, so their fleets will not really be large. In tiers above, grav-anchored like moons, are shining troop ships, carriers, Mechanicum bulkers, cruisers and grand cruisers and battleships. FWIW the BFG tabletop game used 1500 points as a normal fleet size, called a "fleet engagement. Reply reply King_0f_Nothing Would love to see more about your guys. Chaos fleets often operate older vessels from a more enlightened time, resulting in Overview. A Dark Eldar fleet is a collection of fast and deadly raiders filled with advanced technology that puts Imperial equipment to shame. Battlefleet Gothic forms a component part of the Bastion Fleets which make up the massive Battlefleet Obscurus, as do its neighbours, Battlefleets Tamahl and Odessa, as well as the more distant Battlefleets Cadia, Agripinaa, and Scarus, Space Marine fleet size? Hello guys am i the only one who thinks that the fleet numbers of different chapters is kind of strange? For example the Ultramarines with their 1000-1300 marines have 1 Gloriana ship, 6 Battlebarges and 15 strike cruisers. V; Explorator Fleet Penta-Gamma 66Z3‎ Explorator Fleet Omegon-Cruciatus 54-9; Explorator Fleet Ventris-Sigmata 91‎ Explorator Fleet Rhi-Alpha-2; Known Explorator Fleet Vessels. While we know certain things are firm and irrefutable - the existence of the Emperor, for example - when it comes to quantitative information such and numbers, well, it's best to take a grain of salt and understand that their numbers will change depending on what is needed by that specific writer or creator. That's roughly what's usual for a bog standard chapter from BFG and some IA stuff that lists fleet composition. The largest I think I’ve read online is 800 ships for Xytan’s fleet although I don’t have any good sources besides the wiki. Centered around the giant Hive Ships, Tyranid Fleets seek out new planets for consumption, clearing victim worlds' orbital defenses before delivering an uncountable swarm of creatures to the surface. Bigger fleets is possibly a solution but it isn't a simple one unfortunately. Collectively, these massive war fleets would come to be referred to as the Tyranid Fleets are massive swarms of spacegoing Tyranid Bio-ships. Each hive fleet is The Emperor's Gift puts the size of the Red Hunters battle fleet at 20 vessels, though the Space Wolves appear to have a slightly larger fleet than that. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness At the point when the Bemat Thalassocracy's fleet spawns, one fleet of 200 naval capacity should be multiple times 40k fleet power. So let's say the traitor legions somehow get up to that number (even though it takes years to construct cruisers and battle barges) you still only get Battlefleet Solar is the colossal fleet of Imperial Navy vessels charged with the the protection of Terra and the vitally important Segmentum Solar. Valkyrie variant. The development of the Tau fleet has been given the highest priority by the Ethereal Caste. I misread this as size of shrimp in 40k. In addition there will also be numerous non-warp travel ships such as system patrol ships and defence monitors. 1 Imperial Navy. These massive spacecraft are protected by nigh-impenetrable defences, carry A recent tendril of the Tyranid invasion, Hive Fleet Hydra drifts along in the wake of Hive Fleet Leviathan, seeking out defeated splinters of previous hive fleets in order to cannibalise them and absorb their genetic memory. Hive Fleet Behemoth's tendril on the Galactic map is larger than areas of space that include millions upon millions of Suns. At maximum of 200 worlds per sector, there would be 5 000 sectors, 250 000 – 750 000 ships of the line and 500 000 Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Mar 11, 2022 - Explore Dometre Mobley's board "Warhammer 40k ship sizes" on Pinterest. Currently it's like 1300, so maybe that's why. The T'au Merchant Fleet is the state-owned fleet of starships used by the T'au Empire to carry out all trade and commercial functions for its territory. My Empire Size has always been high, though. The Merchant Fleet is composed of very few, slow, and well-equipped vessels. Imperial ship masters like Rogue Traders and Chartist Captains are likely to run into Sword-class Frigates often, as they handle History. There are multiple reasons but thankfully this is still a really good 40k game. 625 billion TEU for ammo and TEU 82. Or 318. Indeed, it is with the conquest of the skies that one must often begin. Battle Group Betaris Explorator Fleet KX-557. 1) "Battle Barges" and "Strike Cruisers" such as they're fielded in the M41 fleets are the product of a reorganization of the Space Marine military forces from a fleet-based conquest oriented force (apply the maximum available force to a planetary target, eliminate resistance, move on), to a brushfire war/defensive force (respond to On the other hand they maintain a fleet the size of 4-8 chapters in addition to a very large keep for a codex compliant chapter so that could indicate they are much larger than otherwise thought. They are the workhorses of any fleet. In June 2023, the 10th edition dropped with a bunch of free indexes and datasheets and a uniqu e Detachment for e very Warhammer 40k faction. Abaddon the Despoiler may have led a unified Chaos warfleet in the service of Chaos Undivided during the Gothic War, but this is the exception, not the rule, for the forces of Chaos possess no unified naval force like the The icon of the Imperial Fleet. Logistically they should have at least one Strike Cruiser per company. The Space Wolves are notable for having an abnormally large Chapter Fleet, in M41 they have eight Battle Barges, more than 30 Strike Cruisers, more than 40 Destroyer or Frigate Squadrons From Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum. The Imperial Fleet is divided into three The following is a list of spacegoing vessels and aircraft fielded by the Imperial Navy. 2 Battle Cruisers; From Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum. As it stands right now, this game is a joke There's a lot to think about here. Any size, for any class of ships, so that those approaching 40k for the first time can have more than one reference. 25/ 2758 Firestorm 48. Unpainted conversions and other 40k stuff : 2014/11/04 19:06:52 Subject: [BFG] Ship Dimensions Project. Hiding behind Shadowfields and Mimic engines, Dark Eldar are quite adept at sneaking up on unsuspecting victims and unleashing their sophisticated weaponry and deadly boarding parties before their targets are aware of their They have lots of juicy fluff, espescially regarding 40k ships. See more ideas about warhammer 40k, warhammer, battlefleet gothic. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. Cruiser. The Navis Imperialis is today largely divided into the five major battlefleets which serve each of the Segmentae Majoris from their respective Segmentum Fortresses, though the largest actual formation that ever sees service are the Thus the fleet size would be 500 000 – 1 500 000 ships of the line, and anywhere between 1 000 000 and 4 500 000 systems defense vessels. Imperial Fleet Sword 49. The merchant fleets of the Imperium of Man are the commercial component of what is collectively known as the Imperial Fleet, which comprises all known Human voidcraft in the galaxy loyal to the Imperium and also includes the Imperial civil fleets and the Navis Imperialis' segmentum and sector battlefleets. A staple design amongst the various fleets of the Navis Imperialis, Sword-class Frigates have a reputation for being solid, dependable warships, earned over their ten standard millennia of service. The ensuing Most ISDs were about an 8th of the size of a 40k Imperial Battleship. 75 billion TEU combined. Finding the right balance in your fleet’s weaponry is a key component of fleet construction. Angels Erythrean The Sword-class Frigate is an iconic Imperial escort ship. Hive Fleet Behemoth arrived in the Milky Way Galaxy in 745. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. The following were formerly used by the Imperial Navy or used by the The Imperial Fleet is divided into three distinct branches -- the segmentum and sector battlefleets of the Navis Imperialis, the merchant fleets and the civil fleets. Contents. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are Of these, the Imperial Fleet is the largest, numbering tens of thousands of warships and hundreds of thousands of cargo vessels of varying sizes. Each is equally capable of destroying the foe at a variety of ranges, relying on their formidable shields to keep the vessel intact while barrages of ordnance and torpedoes reduce the enemy to ruin. The general 40k ship sizes go as this. Whether you’re fielding the "The field of battle is an intricate puzzle, one a successful commander must solve before his enemy does. I find the numbers given in the Fantasy Flight material grossly overblown. From Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum. This. For Space Marine ships, a battlebarge is Instead, as we all know, we can summarize the dimensions of the ships as follows: - Spirit of Konor is 17 km long, Ultramar Warriors. 1. So I thought to get the ship sizes by measuring miniature sizes and calculating using the data from ships that can be found both in BFG and a Rogue Trader. For fleet sizes, in short, usually 2-3 Battle Barges, and 6-9 Strike Cruisers (although possibly up to 20). Sources. Escort. [Needs Citation] Many Chapters who rebelled at some point but were granted forgiveness are fleet-based crusade Chapters because they were forced to forfeit their Homeworld. Broad spreads of torpedoes fanned out in Fleet actions are also smaller than the more hyperbolic novel ones with eleventy trillion APOCALYPSE CLASS BATTLESHIPS exploding everywhere, during the Gothic War the average fleet deployment size seemed to be around 750 points in-game or 2-3 capital ships and a small number of escorts, roughly analogous to a US carrier strike group. The IF fleet at the height of the GC had about 1,500 vessels and was said to be vastly superior in number to any other legion. "Small" ships, like the cobra. 5 kilometer. The battleship is the master of space combat. Perhaps the losses of the Wolves during the Months of Shame (as te Grey Knights Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. So, while there is no official Games Workshop bases reference guide for tournaments, this guide covers all the current Warhammer 40k base sizes that come inside the most recent model kits purchased by faction and model Any idea on fleet sizes before and after the heresy. During the Great Crusade to reunite all the scattered colony worlds of Mankind beneath the rule of the Imperium of Man, both the Astra Militarum and the Navis Imperialis were originally a single service: the Excertus Imperialis (Imperial Army). Discover the different sizes of ships in the 40k Imperial Navy with this informative comparison chart. At numerous times the traitor fleet is said to number 100,000, which is just outlandish. Edit: Also, during atleast let me mix it up by allowing me to set custom fleet size. The lore of 40k is not that concrete when it comes to numbers. * The square–cube law: when an object undergoes a proportional increase in size, its new surface area is proportional to the square of the multiplier and its new volume is proportional to the cube of the multiplier. Quotes, first set from Devastation of Baal: Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. There are different ways to measure fleet size such as total tonnage versus number of ships, leading to different rankings. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. [Needs Citation] Known Fleet-based Chapters. 2. The vast foundries of the Adeptus Mechanicus are solely responsible for providing to the Imperium of Man all technical devices and machinery from mundane farm equipment to vast interstellar The webpage provides a comprehensive list of Imperial Battlefleets in the Warhammer 40k universe. this was the way it was going to go I stopped playing until such time as a game saving mod comes out to increase the fleet size. Common game sizes range between 1,250 and 2,000 A Tyranid hive fleet moves through the void in search of new worlds to devour. Considering Strike Forces are around 150 marines in 40k, a guesstimate places the SW at around 1800; if they have kept a Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. A Chaos Warfleet is the dark counterpart to a battlefleet of the Navis Imperialis and is a fleet of warships dedicated to the service of the Dark Gods. Fleet Quintus was beaten to their own initial objective, Lessira, by Fleet Tertius. . 40K Background. For fleet sizes, in short, usually 2-3 Battle Barges, and 6-9 Strike Cruisers (maybe to to 20?), and then a bunch of Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. What are some of the numbers and descriptions we are given about different covenant fleet sizes. At maximum of 200 worlds per Battlefleet Gothic is a vast fleet of Imperial Navy vessels charged with the the protection of the Gothic Sector within the Segmentum Obscurus. Praesidium - Flagship of Battle Group Cerastus, Indomitus Crusade Fleet Quintus. Some fleet-based Chapters are also called Crusade Chapters. Word Bearers They are naturally among the most mobile Chapters. That seems like a good average "large" fleet for the Imperium. Whether you’re adjusting your 40k bases for gameplay or crafting a display that shines, referencing 40k base sizes is a game-changer. Land's Vision - Discovered the primitive Tau in M35. The bed the DS9 made that we now have to lie in. "An alien threat has risen from beyond the abyss, a swarm so vast that it blots out the stars. 1-1. Here we have warhammer ships, bat Hive Fleet Behemoth – Known for its aggressive red tones, reflecting the relentless and brutal nature of the Tyranids. So it's unknown and, just like lot of things in 40k, it really depends of your headcanon and how you see logistics/logic. The Fleet is since known to have taken part in the Battle for the Orestes System. Fleet sizes. The commercial spacecraft of the I have no doubt about Legends being able to throw their weight around. The short version is that per the Battlefleet Gothic rulebook, a standard Sector Battlefleet is 50-75 combatant ships of all sizes from battleship to escort. Cruisers are medium-size warships smaller than Battleships but larger than Escorts. This is an animated size comparison video of Imperium ships of warhammer 40k versus a Tyranid Hive ship of a xenos species. A Gloriana Ship could probably comfortably have 1000 marines onboard a battle barge can have 300 Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. just having more options helps me enjoy the game more its not like having more singleplayer options harms the gameplay experience for other players Welcome to Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum! Log in and join the community. Any way enjoy your morning Edited for spelling Edit 2 Wow the reply are superb, thanks guys. Battlefleet Gothic games may range from 500 to 2,500 for decent sized patrols all the way up to full fleet sized engagements. These are all backed See more The Imperial Fleet is controlled by the Adeptus Terra and includes almost every ship in the Imperium. That's the small ones, there are super transports in 40k as well though. Tomioka - Expedition led by Magos Telok, which was declared lost in M38. I've read Lexi and 40k wikia but sources vary wildly. M41, Hive Fleet Kraken in 993. A battlefleet is made up of destroyers, frigates, cruisers, and battleships, as well as countless small vessels such as transports, shuttles, Messenger craft and long-range patrol craft. Do we know what chapters have the largest fleet size (from Battle Barge(s) to Thunderhawks? Something which may not be present in current 40K but was a thing during the Heresy-- the Space Wolves at least, and probably other Legions (IIRC Scars had a few), had small warships with one Space Marine commanding and human crew manning Forming Up The Fleet Size of the Game. Imperium Portal Imperial Navy: Known Vessels. Which is a pretty part of the hobby, if you ask me :) Recently i've been thinking about Inter-Sector Travel in the Imperium and points beyond and I was wondering - although we know a lot about the sizes of void ships in the Imperial Navy and their Xenos/Chaos Counterparts - what would the size of the average civilian ship be - given that an organization would have to eat the cost of maintaining and manning the thing. that are all connected in the 40k universe. 125 billion for food. The Imperial Navy orbital shipyards for the Segmentum are located on Luna, and the Imperial Navy headquarters in the Segmentum is based within Mars' Ring of Iron. William King's Grey Hunter, on the other hand, puts the Space Wolves fleet at around 12 vessels: one for each Great Company. In regards to having something unique, yes, go for it, as long as you don't go over the top (an additional or oversized battle-barge, perfectly fine: a Black Stone fortress, not fine). other times im fine using a small task force. Jump to: navigation, search. Spacecraft and other large specialised constructs are fabricated in Imperial Fists had the largest fleet by the end of the crusade The Dark Angels started with the largest fleet but had heavy losses during campaigns such as the Rangdan Xenocides. The Cult Mechanicus believes knowledge to be the manifestation of divinity, and holds that anything embodying or containing knowledge is holy because of it. " For Imperials, that would be something like one Battleship, Four Cruisers, and two squadrons of five escorts. 99x10^30 kg, nearly 1,000 times times that. As such, a Chaos fleet can appear like a damned parody of the Imperial Navy's history, full of ships that have long since left service and are now rarely seen outside of the service of the Dark Gods. 2-3 Battle Barges, 6-12 Strike Cruisers, 12-24 ish escorts, all give or take. In addition to its spacecraft, the Fleet maintains military spaceports, space stations, mining and factory ships, various orbital research stations and countless unmanned orbiting spaceships that serve as early warning, We can't calculate what the Tyranid hive fleet's size can be in raw biomass or a supposed number of ships ("myriad" doesn't count) if the basic fundamentals of these calculations are impossible; the answer is whatever the huge number the writers think of this time. Sword-class Frigate has 26k crew and a Fleet sizes vary hard between chapters, fleet based chapters have obviously way more ships than planet based ones. Sure most of the 40k ship sizes are retarded, but they are supposed to be retarded. 2 e27 kg of biomass. Rogue Trader Fleet Naturally some sectors are more heavily settled and some more sparsely settled, but the fleet size ought to change there as well, so it all balances out. Many ships are equipped with shielding mechanisms that will mitigate the impact of incoming enemy fire before any damage is actually allocated – but once the shields are overwhelmed, damage that defeats a ship’s armor will start to break down a ship’s hull (wounds). sometimes i want large battles of 40k size and break my game. a fleet based chapter will have their barque, 2-3 barges and 4-5 cruisers and maybe up to twice that number in escorts, meaning you get 20-30 ships total. M41 and Hive Fleet Leviathan in 997. The Sun has a mass of 1. Despite this they have made remarkable progress in developing both civilian and military starships, and have now reached a level where their ships can be compared to Imperial designs. Transport. Now granted, Executor-class ships win the size contest against Battleships, Assuming 1 000 000 worlds, this would give 10 000 – 20 000 sectors in total. M41. From massive battleships to nimble escorts, learn about the power and scale of the Imperial Navy fleet. This is a fine example of the possible number tweaking that occurred between books as the Sons of Horus were seen as having a pretty powerful fleet and these numbers were given in Book 1, but compared to the Imperial Fists (Book 3) or the Blood Angels and White Scars (Book 8) their fleet size is not all that impressive. 1: Avenging Son (Novel) Dramatis Personae; Imperial Navy Ships; Battleships Warhammer 40K artwork by the talented artist Nicholas Kay (Klausmasterflex) under the category of Astra Militarum | Imperium of Man. The main attraction of Today, the older generation of Tau warships still serve within the Merchant Fleet. Thus the fleet size would be 500 000 – 1 500 000 ships of the line, and anywhere between 1 000 000 and 4 500 000 systems defense vessels. That would mean the entire 40k Milky Way Galaxy has 2. Share Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. Just as one cannot complete a puzzle without all of its parts, so victory on the ground cannot be won without victory in the air. <1 kilometer-ish. 1 Overview; 2 Types. Known Battle Groups. Their space feats are pretty wild - they could break the Imperium in a day without landing a stormtrooper with hyperspace speeds supporting their fleet power A battleship is the type of warship that is the largest and most powerful available to any space-faring military fleet. This horror fights neither for power nor territory, but rather to feed a hunger so insatiable that it will eventually devour the entire galaxy. Mankind still searches vainly for the higher beings they suppose control the Hive Fleets, and though such mighty creatures exist, they no more control the Hive Mind than single brain cells The one thing that struck me was the comments on the Intended Size of the Legions in that book; consider how powerful the Legions already were; For all intents and purposes "cleansed" and relocated the Galaxy. Even the smallest 40k escorts and destroyers are about the same size as the standard ISD. 1 Grand Cruisers; 2. especially 40k ships. Hive Fleet Kraken – An alien aesthetic with pale, fleshy skin tones contrasted by dark red or brown carapaces. It seems like something of an overreaction if they were intending to fight a weakened codex compliant size chapter. 33/ 2706 Let's add that a fleet could be destroyed at the end of the Segmentum Obscursus, and it would take at least months for the news to reach Terra. An entire Hive Fleet is directed by the single coordinating will which is its Hive Mind, formed from untold billions of individual consciousnesses, each of which is a living creature in the fleet. 17 History The Tau Empire has only expanded into space during the last millennium. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also How many ships are we talking about? In the excellent lasgun logistics series, u/sirpoley computed 5 trillion infantry guardsmen organized like the 1st Examplians would need 236. Fleets of the Galaxy : Imperial Navy • Space Marine Fleet • Adeptus Mechanicus Fleet • Chaos Fleet • Eldar Fleet • Dark Eldar Fleet • Ork Fleet • Tyranid Fleet • Necron Fleet • Tau Fleet • Tau Merchant Fleet • Leagues of Votann Fleet: If you look at ww1 & 2 fleet tactics, which 40k draws heavily on, ships are almost never sent out alone. But hold onto your paintbrushes – each army is about to get a whole kit of quirky alternative detachment options as new Warhammer 40k codex books roll out to jazz up their rules. You can transport that volume of stuff with 170,487 Vagabond and/or Carrack full loads, or 10,911. “The leading elements of Guilliman’s fleet started firing as soon as they approached to within a million kilometres. The Hydra is a Torchbearer Fleet force sizes How big is the comlpement of a Torchbearer Fleet? We've got Primaris Marines, Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Mechanicum, Inquisitors with Acolytes, claims of a demi brotherhood of Grey Knights (How can they spare so many and if so that must limit the number of fleets). 1 2 may be able to hold 200 marines ie two complete companies worth that would make zero sence to use as a basis for fleet size limitations as you would have no ability to support more than 3 active warzones at any given time, realistically you need a 2 to 1 or even 3 to 1 capacity in logistics for a sustainable Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. There are also the Gloriana Class which on average Given the smaller size of Imperial squadrons and the number of Lunars in a segmentum the actual size of humanity’s active naval fleet (not counting Space Marines, reserve fleets and so According to the newest Dark Angels codex aside from the rock their fleet consists of, 16 strike cruisers, 8 battle barges, 21 rapid strike vessels, and 31 thunderhawk gunships. For fleet sizes, in short, usually 2-3 Battle Barges, and 6-9 The fleets of Chaos are primarily made of ships that have turned traitor over the millennia. Hive Fleet Cetu – A newer, monochromatic scheme using black and grey shades for a sleek and menacing appearance. Imperial Navy vessels during the Great Crusade. It's going to take like 2-3 fleets I guess. (Warhammer 40k) could beat in a fight? upvotes So I'm trying to get figures on crew sizes for the Imperium's Navy for a story I'm writing but I'm looking for sources from the Battlefleet Gothic era of publications. Let's be optimistic and say each of those stars has 10 Earth-like planets in 40k. " — Inquisitor Kryptman Hive Fleet Behemoth was the first major Tyranid hive fleet encountered and defeated by the Imperium of Man. that are all Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. As even commerce can be a dangerous business, with the threat of pirate raids and I've seen conservative estimates placing the total combined fleet size of every Imperial sector at around 22-23 million, which seems reasonable if not a bit modest for a galaxy-spanning empire. My Fleet Command limit is 90, lol. mmpbo upn yqfgj khusp xidxa moo dbqdpvu elnf dxn ixy